EXTRA: Sharing Twins Secrets

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Natsu's POV

So, me and my twin sister Natsumi just have a very long talk about our past of our separation for 11 years straight. Plus, she made us tea and some cookies for our talk. I started to begin the conversation between me and my twin sister

"So, how's your childhood when we both got accidentally separated?" It's my turn to ask her first about our childhood. Natsumi was about sipping her tea and started her turn to talk

"Well, I remembered on that day I got lost from your track in the forest. I was lost my way in the forest and I couldn't find you as I actually thought that I can't see you again. Then, I continue my way deep into a dark cave. I was walking in the cave and suddenly I heard a loud noise. Then, I ran away in the cave and I accidentally stumbled on the rock . You know what I actually found in the cave? An enormous female dragon with her scarlet wings" Natsumi explained everything to me about her past.

"An enormous female dragon?! With scarlet wings?!" I stopped her explanation for a while because I was pretty shocked on what she actually saw inside the cave. "Wait a minute, I also found a dragon too in the forest, not long after we got separated in the forest. His name is Igneel and to me, he's like my foster father" I also shared my childhood with my baby sister so she will know about what I actually got to know about my childhood.

"Wow, I think we got raised by different parents for real" Natsumi said it while chuckles, rubbing her head behind with her hand.

"The dragon which I actually found in the cave was actually named Scarneel. To me, she's my foster mother or I will assume that I call her as "mama". We spend our time together in her favorite spot in the forest. Sometimes she would teach me on how to use Scarlet Fire Dragon Magic. I still remember when mama would pick me up as I accidentally fell from the cliff and she would actually heal my injured knee with her own Enchantment. I was so amazed with her ability. Since that day, I would learn to use Enchantment too which I can heal the injuries and boosting the energy. Well, I think you can assume Scarneel as your own aunt or maybe as mama" my twin sister then continue her explanation. She's the most amazing person I ever had in my entire life .

"Oh, so you can handle these two kinds of magic? Scarlet Fire Dragon Magic and the Enchantment Magic?" I also asked her that she can handle two types of magic.

"Yeah, of course I can handle it but for the Enchantment Magic is in the small scale magic, in case you're injured while battling with your enemy or even you have a severe motion sickness" Natsumi then explained the remaining while doing a little bit of hand gestures to me

"Phew, thank goodness that I got your back! At least I can get rid of my severe motion sickness while riding transportation," I sighed satisfyingly as Natsumi explained that she also have the healing magic as the extra one after the Scarlet Fire Dragon Magic.

"So Natsu, how about yours? Maybe you were also raised by a dragon, right?" she then  asked me about my childhood of the past. I know I'm not ready to tell her but I took a deep breath before I explained about my childhood.

"Alright Natsumi, you're ready for my childhood story?" I asked her questions so she will be ready for my story, she nodded her head.

"My childhood begins right after we both get separated in the forest. I also got lost in the cave but far away from where you're supposed to be . I also lost my way in the cave and I accidentally got encountered by an enormous dragon. I was pretty amazed because it didn't eat me. His name is Igneel and he really takes care of me for my entire childhood. Yeah, he thought me how to read, write and even taught me the Fire Dragon Magic. My life was filled with joy with Igneel." I unfold my childhood story to my twin sister and tell her that I actually love my childhood when with Igneel.

"But unfortunately, until that day I really never forget. When Igneel went missing that day, I was searching for him and running around the forest while calling his name. I was really alone since that day," I also tell the dark past where is our dragons went missing.

"Oh my goodness, I feel the same too. I  was also searching for my mama because I thought she was playing hide and seek with me. I tried my best to searching her around the forest. I was screaming for her name cuz I actually can't find her. Yeah, she went missing too on the day Igneel went missing." my baby sister also tell the same part where her mother went missing on the same day as Igneel went missing.

"Hmm, well. It's almost night. I think I need to stay overnight here in your house for sleepover. I also need to prepare some dinner" Natsumi then get up from the couch and she then goes to the kitchen to cook the dinner for both of us.

This is our first time staying together in my house right after 11 years straight went separated. Since she is here, I feel I got my joy back and at least I got my baby sister after so long time.

The Scarlet Firebreather (Natsu's twin sister) (FT OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now