I am The Scarlet Firebreather

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:||: PART 1 :||:

Natsu's POV

Damn it, where are we? I think we're both I like being pulled by something into an unknown place. This is so strange and my question is where are we now?

"Natsu, I don't feel so good with this. Where are we now and why did it pull us here?" luckily I got my twin sister on my side. "I don't know but I do feel it too. Don't tell me..." now we're both realize it why.

"In the hole of time," wait a minute, I know this voice but still I really hate him, "Brace yourself, brother!" my twin sister whispered to me.

"In my world," as the fog becomes clear, it's Acnologia. "This aura... you are... Acnologia!" Our faces turned into rage as we stare his envy face. "You both are the last ones," as we looked around, we saw our friends were trapped inside the crystals. Our friends who are actually Dragon Slayers. "Wendy! Gajeel!" "You guys!" "What the hell is going on?! Dragon Slayers?!"

"Inside this hole of time, I am already claiming the power of space and time meanwhile the outside the hole of time, I will destroy this world!" said Acnologia. "In this world, I will destroy you both which are the remainings of dragons which are still alive,"

We still can't forget on what he did to our parents. He killed them right before my eyes! I'm still traumatized on what happened to them, even my twin sister too. How dare he killed someone that we love so much?! He took them away from us!

"Now I remember who you are! You took my Mama away from me!!! And you took Igneel away from my twin brother!!! I won't forgive you, Acnologia!!!!" my twin sister with her rage expression which her blood is boiling as hell had enough on what Acnologia did to our parents. "Yeah, I don't want to hear your words again!!!" I also follow my twin sister as we both had enough on him

Natsumi's POV

Suddenly, we felt the blue light glowing beneath us. Damn it, this is not a very good sign!! We felt a very strange force and our legs were stucked by crystal. We can't move our legs and we tried our best with our efforts. Not even our legs, but also our bodies too.

Acnologia tried to trapped both of us inside the crystals like other Dragon Slayers. We're not going to happen like that to us. "Damn it, I can't move my right arm!" "Me too, I can't move my left arm!! I'm going to break this crystal no matter what!!!"

Duncan's POV

While three of us were really worried about the twins, Erza and Meat suddenly came up to us for the next plan. Not only them, but also the others. Luckily, Master Makarov is still alive anyway. We discussed for the next plan.

For me, I'm still worried about Nat. Come on, Nat. I hope you're still ok and I still counting on you. I will always keep calling for your name and I'll keep you safe. Please, you have to keep alive...

Natsumi's POV

"Why can't we use our flames?! Damn it!!!" my twin brother used his own effort to set him free, even me too "You two were fought against the black wizard. I'm surprised that your hands are still able to use it," said Acnologia.

Suddenly, we can feel the flames came out from our fists answer finally set ourselves free from the crystals. Like, do we have the feeling that they were calling our names? That might be possible! "I can move my hand now," "Me too,"

With all of sudden, I saw the crystals started to crack on them and they finally set themselves free. Luckily, all 9 of gathering to fight against Acnologia. Ilyana also joined the fight since she's also the Dragon Slayer like her brother, Laxus.

The Scarlet Firebreather (Natsu's twin sister) (FT OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now