Demon Within Her

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Duncan's POV

I opened my eyes and suddenly I was tied on the chair. I couldn't move my body. Even Lucy also just woke up. As I lifted my head, I saw Natsu and Natsumi were unconscious. "Nat!" I called her name but there was no response. Yeah, four of us were tied on the chair.

Maybe that same short blonde woman brought us to the basement after beating us so hard. That bitch, I really hate her. She was a monster.

"Lucy, are you okay?" I asked her if she's doing fine. "Yeah, I'm fine," Lucy replied my question.

Suddenly, that short blonde woman appeared out of nowhere. I'll assume that her name is Dimaria. I couldn't cope my rage against her. She dares to hurt us.

The one moment I think that it's not forgivable is she abusing Lucy and even Natsumi. She almost tore Natsumi's clothes. If she dares to touch Natsumi, I'll never forgive her at the slightest.

"Don't you dare touch her, you bitch!" I screamed at Dimaria as she touched her body. Her death stare makes me feel so annoyed. She didn't hesitate and I was getting punched and beaten by her. She then goes to Lucy and starts to kill her.

I couldn't move my body. I beg her to not kill Lucy. But Lucy is a kinda badass girl. At least she's not afraid of Dimaria. Dimaria is a psycho bitch and wanted to destroy us.

Come on, Natsumi. Wake up!! We still need your help. Please, we're almost in danger if you both do not wake up. Dimaria then lifted her knife and started to stab Lucy's eyes but she was stopped by an unknown force.


Ouch, that's hurt. I am slowly moving my body as I am laying on the ground. As I looked around, the chairs were completely broken and maybe someone tried to escape us.

"What's happening?" I have to figure out what the hell is going on. Hold on, that bitch Dimaria. Maybe she was attacked by the unknown force.

As I checked on Dimaria, I was shocked as she was almost burned to death and even slammed on the wall. Her despair face says a lot about that attack.

"Mo... monsters. They're monsters..." she was deeply shaken after getting attacked. "What? What the hell are you talking about?" as I asked Dimaria , I was wondering about the Dragneel twins.

"E...N... D...." Hold on, did she just say END? Oh no, don't tell me that the twins are END? Oh my gosh. Yeah, I was pretty shocked about her short explanation.

"Wait a minute, where are they?" I grabbed Dimaria by force as I was in rage against her. "They escaped into my time space which no one is barely escaping in it. These demons... how is that even possible?", she gives her answer to us on how they escaped.

Don't tell me that she's not just a dragon princess, but she's also a demon. What is she actually? I can't believe that my girlfriend is also a demon

Natsumi's POV

I don't understand what is going on but I can feel this strange force in me. I was deeply in rage. Everything around me and my twin brother were instantly got burned.

Without wasting time, we're both were in way to the guild for one purpose: to beat down Zeref. I want that guy dead.

While we're on our way, suddenly we were stopped by Gray. What is he want actually? Why did he blocked our way?

"Gray..." my demonic voice were deeply in another level of our madness.

"Natsumi, Natsu..." Gray's death stare makes me so annoyed. "Move, Gray..." Natsu told him to stay away but still Gray wouldn't move his away.

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