Like Mother Like Daughter

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Natsumi's POV

I don't know why do I feel this strange vibe. My heart beating faster and not only me facing this problem, even my twin brother Natsu and Gajeel too. Oh no, don't tell me only Dragon Slayers facing this connection.

Duncan looked at me with his worried face. I held my hand on my chest. Even worst when we currently facing out archenemy Tartaros. This is not a good sign for us.

"Nat, are you ok?" Duncan touched my body with his hand but he pulled it back because my body temperature is getting hotter than normal "Ouch, that's hot!". I can't even stand right now.

And what even worst right now is when Acnologia arrived upon us. Our nightmare ever since last time we saw Acnologia at Tenrou Island.

Scarneel's POV

The situation is getting worse right now but I'm not going to tell my daughter right now why I hide myself in her body. Inside her body, it's really pure hot like a volcano. All this time I hide in her body is to protect her. I lied to her that I went missing but I'm still inside her to avoid tracking by Acnologia and don't want my daughter to become his next victim.

I can feel the sense when Acnologia is actually here and it's my turn to reveal myself to take down Acnologia at all cost. "The time has come,"

Don't worry, my daughter. I'm coming to protect you this time.

Natsumi's POV

I can feel my heartbeat going faster and suddenly I heard the voice that I can only hear but not my friends.

"Natsumi," That voice, I can't lie that I recognize this voice. Could this be my mom? It's been years you went missing but where have you been, mama? "The time has come,"

"Scarneel? Mama, is that you?", I called her name after years she went missing, "I have the faith which you can defeat E.N.D" "Mama, why can I only hear Mama's voice?!" for years I've been searching for her.

"What? What the hell is going on?" Duncan would even asked me, "What's wrong with both of them?" said Juvia. "I will do something with Igneel to finish Acnologia," I can feel the scarlet light glowing in me brightly. For years, she's actually hide inside my body. I was screaming in pain as she instantly came out from my body. Everyone including my boyfriend was shocked at what was goin on with both of us.

I still remember the memories I ever spent with Mama since I was a kid. She taught me how to read and speak, and even some fire Dragon Magic. She would raise me like her own daughter. Oh how I miss her since the day she went disappear, I was empty since that day happened. I still can feel her heat inside my body. I remember when she went missing and thought that she still playing hide and seek although it was over.

Suddenly, Mama would came out from my body, same as my twin brother when Igneel came out from his body. "I'm sorry for everything, my dear Natsumi," she would finally return in front of my eyes. "I have been inside of you all this time,"  Mama, why are you hiding inside my body for years? I really need your answer... "This isn't the time to unfold everything to you, but first let me and Igneel would have to get rid of Acnologia!" "Live, my darling Natsumi!" her roar makes me miss her so much while burst my tears as she returns to me.

Mama and Igneel would battle against Acnologia side by side. Yeah, our different parents were fighting against Acnologia , "Mama..."

Duncan's POV

I witnessed on what happened to my girlfriend. It's hard to believe my eyes that the dragon who I assume was her mother would instantly come out from her body. Her mother and Igneel would instantly soaring up to the sky to get rid of Acnologia.

The Scarlet Firebreather (Natsu's twin sister) (FT OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now