The Grand Magic Games (Part 1)

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Natsumi's POV

It's been 7 years since we both included Fairy Tail members who went missing in Tenrou Island due to our Fairy Sphere to prevent Acnologia's attack. We faced so much ordeal including our mini quests that we joined.

So, it's the time I've been waiting for. The Grand Magic Games!!! There must be a reason I'm so excited for the game. Well, Erza and Master Makarov told me about the game which is the annual game where the battles among the guilds like Sabertooth, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus include our guild, Fairy Tail and more.

The surrounding area when we arrived at Fiore Kingdom is really so fascinating. The Fiore citizens were welcoming us as the Fairy Tail contingent participating for the GMG.

"Wow, so this is how people welcome us for the GMG? This is amazing!" I was so mesmerized with the cheery surrounding

Our nights were filled with welcome party and we had to stay in our dorm before the game started the next morning. I actually shared the dorm with my twin brother's team ( including Lucy, Gray, Erza and Wendy)

We spend our days at the Grand Magic Games where I witness so many epic mage battles between the guilds. On day 5, my twin brother Natsu was supposed to partner with Gajeel to battle against the Sabertooth's Twin Dragon Slayer, Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney.

I was waiting for his match but it's way more late than I expect. I asked Mirajane where Gajeel supposed to be right now.

"Hey Mira, I was wondering where is Gajeel now? The game is about to start now," I was worrying about both of them for being late for the match.

"Uh, I'm sorry Natsumi but Gajeel just told me recently and he said that he had the urgent reasons why he couldn't join the match" Mira replied my question. I was quite shocked with her answer

I had no choice but I have to replace Gajeel's place for the match as I can't leave Natsu alone for this dual match.
"Mira, can I replace Gajeel's place for this dual match. Maybe I can help Natsu to battle against Sting and Rogue?" Mira nodded as she agrees and she also gives motivation to me , "Natsumi, do your own best for out guild!" I smiled at her and running at the alley to meet up with my twin brother Natsu.

As I arrived in front of him, Natsu then feels so clueless and asked me, "Hey Natsumi, what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be for this match, right?" , I then replied his question , "Well, Mira told me that Gajeel couldn't join the match as he has the urgent reasons, so I have no choice but I have to replace Gajeel's place for this match,"

"Damn you, Gajeel! How could you just leave your place like this?!" Natsu was actually furious and he swears that he would meet with Gajeel after the match. "It's ok, Natsumi. We have to do our best for Fairy Tail!" I fist bump with my twin brother as our motivation before the match start.

As our match was about to announce, we both stepped out to the arena to confront our opponent which are Twin Dragon Slayer of Sabertooth. We both made up a plan for our fight against Sting and Rogue. This time would be so epic as this one involved The Twin Fire Dragon Slayers of Fairy Tail vs Twin Dragon Slayer of Sabertooth.

"So, this is my first time that I have face to fight with you, Rogue. What a surprise!" my eyes only focus on Rogue while punching my fist on my hand. "Anyway beautiful dragon lady, this is our first encounter for our battle. I can't wait to sink you down in my shadow" Rogue just said it with sinister way.

"Huh, we'll see who will win the match between us. I'm gonna roast you up like a roasted chicken." I keep smiling at him in a cruel way as he dares to challenge me

So, Natsu is about to fight against Sting and my opponent is Rogue. As our match begins, we both make our first strike against Sting and Rogue. Yeah, both of them fall first. But, Sting and Rogue would attack us back.

I would block Rogue's attack with my left arm and throw him on the ground. Natsu then grabbed Rogue and slammed on Sting with his Fire Dragon Wing Attack. But then, four of us would have a short talk in the middle of the match. Their strike is getting harder as they are both of White Drive and Shadow Drive. Then, they made a counterstrike on us. The fighting between Natsu and Sting is getting intense.

While I was battling against Rogue, his strike was actually being tricky. His Shadow Dragon Magic would go through beneath the ground and make a sudden strike behind me.
I almost got him but he dared me to catch his shadow. I strike him instantly but he's too fast and strikes me back Rogue.

I got fall backward and so did my twin brother. We both leaned each other scolded to step out our way. That goddamn Sting called us "losers" and said to us to show us some respect to them. I'm just like, ew, that sounds so gross when he said like that to us although we're actually quite older than them.

The Twin Dragon Slayer of Sabertooth slammed us on the ground with their massive impact attack. This tense is getting harder and harder. As usual, Me and Natsu had to fight each one of them, Natsu had to handle Sting on his hand while I would handle Rogue. I wouldn't let Rogue get on me so easily.

They beat us so hard like punching bags. With their Dragon Force form, they would kick our ass , this is just the beginning for us and we can't just go drastically on them.

Rogue suddenly pulled me down into his shadow. It's really dark there and I try to spot Rogue. I lit up my flames when I was surrounded in the shadows of the dark

"Scarlet Fire Dragon Whip Lash!!" I pulled Rogue with my blazing whip attack and I quickly swam out from the shadow while pulling Rogue with my whip. As I made it out from the shadow, I slammed Rogue while tied him up with my blazing whip to the ground. Me and my twin brother are both high five after beating The Twin Dragon Slayer of Sabertooth's ass.

But sometimes, we learn from our mistakes during our match. We made our counterattack to make them fall down. I instantly attacking Rogue with my Scarlet Fire Dragon Roar. He almost got roasted by my attack.

Our turn was quite badass on battling against Sting and Rogue with our daring and fearless moves. At first, I would smile as both Sting and Rogue fell on the ground. That was a payback for messing with both of us for sure. But, things are getting worse and made us take a wrong turn for this ordeal as Sting attacks both of us with his Holy Grail strike in his Dragon Force mode and makes a huge hole on the whole arena. This caused a huge damage for this game.

We both fell in a huge hole which caused by Sting but we keep fighting back against them.

"Scarlet Fire Dragon Blade Crusher!!" I tried to attack Sting with my sudden attack. He got knocked but he keeps striking both of us with his attack.

We couldn't handle his strike as his attack was too fast and we are quite late to respond our attack . We fell on the ground but that doesn't mean we gave up yet for our match.

"Scarlet Fire Dragon Grip Strike!!" I made an instant attack on Sting right from his behind but he's way too fast. I missed my target on him and I keep fighting for non-stop against Sting. For me, Sting was a total jerk for playing dirty against us.

The continuation for the rest of the GMG is on another chapter, The Grand Magic Games Part 2

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