New Adventure Awaits

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Duncan's POV

Hold on, where am I? Am I in my own house? But who brought me here? Don't tell me it's Nat. I quickly woke up from my bed and instantly get out from my bedroom.

As I go downstairs, I looked at the dining table and there's a breakfast ready on serve at the table. And, I saw Nat in the kitchen while making morning coffee, "Oh, morning, Duncan," Natsumi and Kylia would even wishing me good morning in unison.  "I made you the breakfast for us," she said while holding a cup of coffee.

"Nat, you did all of this? For me? I mean, for three of us?" my brain even loading for a while. "Yeah, why? It's because I really care about you," actually I never see my girlfriend would do all of these for me. At least she do this like my own future wife.
I would slowly respond to her morning routine.

"I mean, thanks a lot for making us breakfast," he praised me then, "Yeah, no problem," I thanked her and Kylia  instantly.

"Hey Nat, I have to ask you something," "What is it, Duncan?" "While I was lying on the bed,who brought me here to my house? Is it you carried me here yesterday?" I asked.

Natsumi's POV

Man, I was shaken when he asked me about that, "Well,to be honest... yeah, I actually carried you here because you were really super drunk on the award occasion yesterday," I answered with my honest reason. He was deeply ashamed on what happened to him yesterday. "Now I was my fault for being drunk yesterday..."

At least, I'm not so drunk like him and I always make sure we always protect each other. "At least it's not your fault,Duncan. Just forget about that. Now, let's finish our breakfast and we can go our next quest," I said to Duncan.

"Next quest?" he asked me shortly. "Yeah," I answered and we would finish our breakfast instantly.

Well, thinking about the memories of us being together in the guild is really unforgettable experience for us. It's really precious. He suddenly cried after some of what he's actually thinking about us. " Hey Nat, thanks for being your partner and I'm so happy that I have a wonderful adventure with you,"he would hugged me very tight, "Err, no problem?"

"Hey, Natsumi! Duncan! Let's go, we don't have much time for more adventure to go!" suddenly I heard my twin brother's voice outside the house with his friends for next adventure.

"Ok, wait up! We need some time to get pack up our stuff!" I answered my brother's voice as I need to wait for Duncan to pack his stuff and get things ready.

"Natsumi! Duncan! Hurry up!" Wendy would even wave her hand to us so we can reach on them. "Hey, don't you remember what I said that what we're gonna do after the war ends?" I asked them, "Hold up, is it because of 5his quest?" my boyfriend would asked me.

"For now, we were given permission to do this!" me and my twin brother would said this in unison. "Alright, let's go!" said Erza

"Let's go for the 100 Years Quest! Now we're all fired up!" we both said in unison. The adventure with my twin brother and friends will going to be wonderful. Then, the story of me will end here officially and starts a new adventure from here.... "Alright, let's go!"

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