Natsumi's First Job in Fairy Tail

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Natsumi's POV

The next day, I was standing in front of the quest information board, thinking about which quest I can actually handle for my first job in Fairy Tail. I'm still confused for sure

"Hmm, find the lost pearl for 950 jewels? That's sounds not so worthy " I keep searching the quest one by one if I could find the better one for my first task.

And then, Mirajane approached in front of me and asks me if I could request for any suitable quest for me.

"Hey Natsumi, you look so frustrating. Are you looking for some quest for your first job?" As Mira asked me with that kind of question, sometimes I feel so hesitate to choosing the quest that  I would handle on the quest board.

"Yeah, I think like that. This might be my first time on handling some quests that are required here," I rubbed my head and I also clueless about my first job in this guild.

"Hey, you know what? I think I found that one quest which is you can handle it and this one might be easy peasy. It's the quest which allows you to find the lost treasure in that one city called Skeleton City and it's worth 25000 jewels for the reward", Mira got an idea by recommend me this one quest which sounds interesting for me.

"Ok, that sounds so cool!" I exclaimed while lifting my eyebrows. I think I could join this quest by alone.

"Another quest? That's sounds like a good idea . Maybe I can join your quest because you can't just join this quest by alone. Come, join my team, sis!" Natsu just appeared behind me and hearing about some new quest makes him feel excited. Yeah, he absolutely likes adventures a lot.

"Thank goodness. If only I join this quest by alone, this is might the hardest part for me if I handle this alone." I would sigh satisfyingly as he would assist my quest.

"I would join your quest too," Wendy also excitedly hearing that I would join the quest for the first time and would join my quest.

And so Lucy, Gray and Erza as they heard I would join my very first quest for the guild. "Don't worry, Natsumi. We always lead you for your quest. This time, we'll never leave you alone and we can handle this quest together," Erza then pat my shoulder as she determine that my twin brother's team would join this quest. I would simply smiling at them.

As we left the guild for my very first quest, we then heading to the train station. Natsu then actually freaked out when he heard that our team would go with the train ride. For him, riding transportation is a very red flag for him as he actually has the severe motion sickness.

"No, not again!" Natsu then become instantly sick as our team get in to the train. He's the only one who can't handle the train ride. But I was quite different than him. I didn't feel the motion sickness like my twin brother just did.

The train ride just took a day to reach our destination to the next train station which is nearby the Skeleton City.

As we arrived the next morning, we instantly get down from the train while I dragged my twin brother off the train. And my twin brother went back to normal as he fed up being in a train ride.

The path which heading to the Skeleton City is not too far. As usual, Erza always carried her large amount of her luggages wherever we go for the quest.

As we arrived at the Skeleton City, I can feel the strange aura around the city. Really strange. But, as I take a look at the city, all I see in my eyes about the city is the skeletons laying on the ground with something suspicious which is the spider webs surrounding the dead corpse of skeletons. I wonder about the cause around the city.

We tried to find the lost treasure in that city but sometimes blocked our way. They are the  gigantic spiders which actually causing people who went to this city were poisoned the spider and their dead bodies were wrapped, slowly turning them into skeletons.

Not only that, but there's also someone who I would assume is a mage who controls these beasts. It was the female mage and she introduced herself as Ariana. She is basically using her Insect Magic, mainly with spiders.

We were all got attacked by the spider by wrapping us into spider cocoon. The cocoons the spiders created were so deadly and poisonous. I tried burning the cocoon around me and it slowly rotting by my flames slowly. I escaped from the cocoon and so Natsu  did. We then released our friends from these spider cocoons which almost killed them.

I started to attack Ariana with my Scarlet Fire Dragon Iron Fist. She avoided my attack and counterattack me back. I can feel that my right leg got burned by the toxic spider poison. I got tied by her spider web and hanging me in the air with upside down position. I got stuck and the spider web was quite stronger than usual.

"Let me go, you damn spider freak!!" I scream at her to release me from these disgusting spider webs while struggling with my arms and even legs to escape from it. She then asks me to shut up by tightening up the spider web.

I can feel the blood from my legs and hands, even on my abdomen splattered and I screamed in pain hysterically. My friends and my twin brother were shocked about my pain.

I lost my energy due to that deadl8 torture by that spider witch. Then, the darkness took over me...

Natsu's POV

"NATSUMI!!!" I saw my twin sister got tortured in front of my eyes and I would not forgive Ariana for torture me.

"Curse you, spider witch!!! If you hurt my sister, I'll kill you with my bare hands!!" I didn't hesitate and just go after Ariana. I continued striking Ariana with my Fire Dragon Claw. And my friends also charge forward to battle against Ariana and her gigantic spiders.

As I got hit by Ariana's spider poison attack, I instantly coughed in blood. I fell on the ground. How could she do my sister like that? I'm not gonna losing my twin sister once again. I won't give up so easily and keep on fighting against that witch Ariana. I got threw by her spider web and hit myself on the wall. Even some of my friends were defeated by those gigantic spiders.

Please, Natsumi. Wake up and hang on. You're gonna be ok....

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