Inside the Vague Mind

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Natsumi's POV

I can't open my eyes and even can't move my body. Now, I realize I was unconscious and I'm in my heart. I'm standing alone here until I saw someone in my heart. It's my twin brother Natsu.

"Natsu, is that you?" as the the figure is getting clear on my eyes. "Natsumi?" he called my name. "Oh my goodness, it's you!" I ran to Natsu and instantly hugged him.

"Why are we the only ones standing here? Where are the others?" I asked Natsu after we both hugged him. "I don't know. I have no clue why we're the only ones here," he had no answers as we're the only ones who standing in the loneliness.

Suddenly, we saw someone from far away. "Who's there?" I asked if someone would hear my question. "It's me, Natsu and Natsumi," Wait, I know this familiar voice and I really hate this voice so much.

As we turned our head to him, it was our older brother, "Zeref..." this makes us really screwed up. "That's enough both of you. You're now in your mind." as he said to us, we didn't hesitate and started to attack him but didn't make it. "Don't be such bullshit, Zeref!"

Hold on, I forgot that both of us are in our mind and we're unconscious , "As I just said that I'm actually not true," "Why are we in our mind?" I held my head in pain.

"While it's only three of us are here, I don't care if you still call me as big brother," I hate when he said the word big word, unless I have my own twin brother Natsu. "There's no fucking way!" we both said in unison. "Unfortunately, both of you are going to die," said Zeref.

"I come here to remind you before it's too late," he continued. "What are you talking about?" I asked him with a confusing face. "The memory before you two were awakened in the year of 777" , don't tell me I remember that year.

"On that year, I was with Igneel," said my twin brother. "And so my mama, Scarneel," I continued . "I mean, before that time. 400 years prior," Zeref corrected the meaning.

As we both dived into the memory of our past, that was our family. We were live in a small village. We also had our actual parents and even us. Living a happy life. At first, I didn't expect that was our parents before things were changed.

"But then, a group of dragons attacked and destroyed that village. Our parents were dead on that same day, and so do you both," as I listened to Zeref's explanation, it's hard to believe that both of us were actually dead on that day.

"However, I keep continuing to do my research and finally I made it to revive both of you, as E.N.D " he then continues his explanation.

"Oh yeah, I have once told you about this part to you," then reminded us with this part. "You both are way too naughty and didn't want to learn to speak and even write. I have no choice but have to told Igneel and Scarneel to seek help. I have to give both of you to Igneel and Scarneel  and they both taught you the Dragon Slayer Magic so that you can defeat Acnologia." so that's how the purpose why we both got Dragon Slayer Magic.

"With the same reason, Metallicana raised Gajeel. Weißlogia raised Sting, Skiadrum raised Rogue and Grandeeney raised Wendy," our friends were also raised by the dragons, not only both of us.

"But since that moment, your memories were quite blurry. Maybe that's the effect of Dragon Soul. You once met Gajeel and the others." I didn't realize that my twin brother once met Gajeel in the first place.

"You always pick a fight with Gajeel, Natsu and Wendy would always cry because she tried to stop both of you. But for you, Natsumi. You always comfort her whenever she's sad. You just like an elder sister to her," I was so lucky that I once met Wendy we were kids.

"Wendy's age is quite the same as Sting and Rogue and they thought of you as an elder brother and sister,"said Zeref.

We both looking at each other and thinking that we're going to die soon. Suddenly, I can feel something wrong that happened to our friend on the guild. "What's wrong, sis?" asked my twin brother. "I don't know but I have a strong feeling that our friends are in danger. Someone from the Alvarez had been invading the guild," I explained to him.

"We don't have much time, we have to go to save them," said my twin brother. "Yeah, let's go!" we both rushing to leave Zeref behind to wake up from our vague mind.

As we both woke up, we might be quite dazed after being unconscious. "We're awake," "Yeah, probably," "But why are we naked here?! And what the hell is going on right now?!" I would have covered my chest in my hair. Sometimes I can't trust my twin brother because he seems like a pervert, you know. Both of us were quite naked like babies are being born.

We instantly got our clothes on  to us and rushed instantly to our friends. We quietly sneaked from the infrimary room to the guild's door, sneaking on what going on. What we only see is Mavis is brutally tortured although she's the only soul that only Fairy Tail members can see and Lucy and Duncan are in danger. My twin brother was in rage and would instantly protect her fast as lightning. This time, I would trust my twin brother. Meanwhile I have to go to protect First Master and Duncan.

Four of us would fight against one of the Alvarez wizards named Jacob although we're not fast enough to fight Jacob. He has a tactic but sometimes his weakness is with some hot girls. We fought him so hard but luckily Lucy has a very brilliant idea to save us with summoning Gemini key and making them visibly see again. And then, Master Makarov would even punched Jacob for even disrespecting him.

We even smiled as Master Makarov would do that and he would even threw us away from the guild to finish the Jacob until he was defeated. Our flame attack would even boil the lake behind the guild. Yeah, pretty badass, right?

After the fight, both of us should thank Brandish for her honest action and she told us that another strongest Alvarez wizard named August is coming near them. As we released Brandish from prison for a while, we planned to consult with August to end the war

We did actually meet August for the consultation but it didn't make it as Meat would mess up with our consultation by possessing Brandish to kill August, making August was deep in rage. This didn't go well for us. The result? The war still keeps going on.

I don't know how long the war would even lasted. Hope they're surrender at last but what I know is Zeref is nonstop thinking to end us both and creating a new world. We can't let him or even his wizards doing that so. What we only hoped for is to keep fighting until the end.

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