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Natsumi's POV

So, we have our night before we start for our 100 years quest and went to sleep in our tents. Yeah, our night are really wonderful. Plus, I have a beautiful dream as I would expect that it would came.

As I close my eyes slowly and sunk into my dreams, I can feel that I'm in my heart again, same as in my dreams.

I can feel that my hair were stroked slowly by that one hand that I recognize.


"Sweetie wake up, it's me..."

"Natsumi darling..."

I would slowly open my eyes and I could see my Mama and Irene were both sitting in front of me while laying my head on their lap. They both wake me up from my sleep. "You're awake, baby"

"Mama! Irene!" I hugged them both and thought them would be my two moms. "So, how's your day going?" Mama would figure about my recent activity.

"Well, quite better. I also did beat Zeref and Acnologia. Now, they're regret for what they did. I'll expect that they would do have their great time in the afterlife," I explained about my great day to them.

They would even smiled to me. "Irene, I once did promise to you that I would learn the Enchantment Magic from you. So, can I learn more about the Enchantment Magic? Just teach me how to do it!" I would hold Irene's hand as I master a little bit of my Enchantment Magic.

"Well, sweetie. You know, you even way more stronger than I ever thought . Plus, you're really curious about my Enchantment Magic. My answer would be yes. I can teach you a little bit of Enchantment Magic but in the meantime, you need to focus while learn this Enchantment Magic. Understand?" Irene finally agree but sometimes she would promise to me to always focus on her lessons.

"Yeah, I understand and I promise!" I raised my hand as the sign of promise to her.

"What?! My twin sister wants to learn more about Enchantment Magic from you?! You didn't tell me about it in the first place!" suddenly my twin brother approached in my dream. Yeah, the twins' dream always being connected while we're sleep.

"Hey, Natsu! What are you doing here?" I was shocked that my twin brother suddenly came to me from behind. "Well, you know, Igneel also knew that you want to learn the Enchantment Magic. But you already have your Scarlet Fire Dragon Magic, right?" Natsu looked at Igneel as they knew I'm going to learn Enchantment Magic from Irene.

"Yeah,I know that I also have my Scarlet Fire Dragon Magic but mine also a little bit special that I also learn Enchantment Magic from Mama but it's originally created by Irene. At least I got a little bit of an advantage than you," I would tease my twin brother and chuckle while he's grunting at me.

"Aww, don't be mad, Natsu," "I'm really jealous cuz you're a little bit more special than me," Mama, Irene and Igneel would laugh at our small but funny argument. Yeah, just our twins joke.

The next morning, we would wake up to continue our journey to 100 years quest. I really hope that our quest is going to be successful. Yeah, life is an adventure to me. I always keep looking for our bright future for us, beyond the sunlight.

And yeah, at least Natsu would also admire Irene as his mother since she is The Mother of Dragons. Sharing parents might be the best thing we ever had although we're once being separated when we were kids.

Having an extraordinary life in an extraordinary adventure were also the best thing I ever had. Even though we were being reincarnated by the power of demon by Zeref, being separated at the forest and raised by different dragons each of us. And even, we both reunited and grew stronger alongside our friends in our beloved guild Fairy Tail.

But for me, having my own Scarlet Fire Dragon Magic and Enchantment Magic makes me stronger than ever and identify my own true self. But in secret, I'm also The New Queen of Dragons, it's because Irene would pass the title to me with all of her heart.

For me, I finally identify who I really am. If Irene is known for her alias, The Scarlet Despair, then I should grab my own new alias. If you don't want to say or even know my name, you can call me as  The Scarlet Firebreather.

The Scarlet Firebreather (Natsu's twin sister) (FT OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now