Biggest threat awaits

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Natsumi's POV

While we were on an undercover mission on bringing Master Makarov back to us, we had suddenly got attacked by the well-known Alvarez wizards. One of them is Brandish aka. The Nation Destroyer. Why I actually called that? Apparently she did shrunk the Caracol Island and stand by her own feet.

We were so enraged on what she just did. And we actually successfully brought back Master Makarov after he was tortured by Zeref. They actually didn't stay silent but brought the war against us.

We were already made up a plan in case we were attacked by Alvarez air raid. We were divided by some divisions. I teamed up with Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel into Flying Dragon Squad, including my boyfriend Duncan because he's a half Kaiju with a pair of wings like dragon.

When we received an emergency alarm that Alvarez army had already invading the Magnolia airspace, we brace ourselves for our upcoming attacks against the Alvarez. Luckily, Freed would use his Jutsu Shiki to block the Alvarez's way. Freed is with Evergreen and Bickslow in their Thunder Legion Squad.

But it wouldn't last long as his spell would be cracked and would allow the Alvarez army to easily invading Magnolia City. As First Master commanded us for the next strike, we, The Flying Dragon Squad would go attack them fast as the lightning. We would have punctured the enemies' ships and even destroyed them. For me, this is pretty much like flying aces as we were fighting in the sky fiercely.

As one of the Alvarez wizards using his sand magic just like Max, we would landing on the ship to battle with him. But, there's one major problem here... We forgot that we actually have motion sickness since we are Dragon Slayers, except my boyfriend himself. "No way, you gotta kidding me, right?!" Duncan was flustered as we couldn't hold ourselves on the moving flying ship.

Even First Master also flustered and changed the plan. Luckily, Erza would came up to replace us and Duncan would help her. "Don't worry, Nat. I can handle this with Erza! Four of you can do your next strike,"

"Alright, Duncan! Do your own best!" I always hoping for my boyfriend to winning the fight against Ajeel with Erza. I keep my fingers crossed for you, Duncan....

We then continue to fight on the mainland in the West, outside the Magnolia City. against the Alvarez infantry with their high class wizards. Four of us would take the positions to fight. Me and my twin brother would burn the Alvarez infantry with our flame attacks. We know that we faced hard times while fighting against the Alvarez but one strong motivation would stick in us that we would never surrender and keep fighting until the end.

We successfully fighting against them. But then as Erza and Duncan finished on fighting against Ajeel, they both fell on the ground as the Jupiter cannon fired towards the ship and exploded the ship instantly Natsu grabbed Erza while I grabbed my boyfriend. As I fetched him, he was badly injured. I instantly heal his wounds with my Scarlet Fire Enchantment Magic. "You did a really great job, Duncan," I would only smile at him as I was satisfied with his battle with Erza. We really had an amazing nighttime battle against the Alvarez army.

Natsu's POV

The next day, we were really satisfied as our guild finally took down some if the Alvarez army and high ranking wizards. But some of them were didn't make it. So, Duncan was receiving treatment after he was badly injured. The defeated Alvarez wizards we actually took them and send them to our guild prison.

The Scarlet Firebreather (Natsu's twin sister) (FT OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now