The Unbreakable Shell

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:||: PART 1 :||:

Natsu's POV

As the earth surroundings went back to normal and people started to get their positions for this war, we were already pumped up for our battle. We changed our clothes in Lucy's house. We instantly left her house to get our friends.

Suddenly, three of us were encountered by Brandish and her bestie Dimaria. And I did apologize to Dimaria but she went fucked up after seeing me. At least we don't take a long time while we have to rush to the guild.

Suddenly, Evergreen, Poryusica and Juvia approach to us after being separated. We're finally reunited. They informed that Gray suddenly woke up before the lights were glowing. Suddenly, I sensed something was not right. This beyond the limit than I ever expect.

As we both look above the cathedral, it was August."There's someone above the cathedral," "Yeah, no kidding. He's too powerful," my twin sister agreed with my statement.

His power would destroy the city but luckily Gildarts would handled his business against August. We both smile. "We should go. We have to face against Zeref,"

Without wasting our time, we quickly rushing to the guild . "Hold on, how about Gray?" "Don't worry, I know where he is now," I tried not to make Lucy worry. "It's ok, Luce. Let Gray handle his fight," even my twin sister also backing me up.

Natsumi's POV

We quickly rushing to the guild but damn it, Gray would come in the first place. " I think Gray would already reach Zeref's place," my twin brother knew a lot about what would Gray do.

Don't worry, Gray. We're coming to back you up...

As we reached to the guild, we both tried to stopped Gray from sacrifice himself. Well, the guild almost being frozen due to his ice power.

We also set ourselves in blaze to defrost the guild. "You guys.." "Gray, what the fuck are you try do right now? Don't you get it?!" I try to remind Gray but he's way too far to do his dumb action.

"I once tried to stop you from using this magic," my brother would said that to him. "I let myself control by my feelings and tried to kill you both although you're my companion in the same guild,"

"I don't deserve to be the guild member! That's why.." "I'm also not so different than you!"Both of them are getting tense in this battle.

"Now, tell me Gray. We're friends, right?" I would burst myself to tears while telling him. "Please, don't die! And don't you ever think about death! You must keep on living on yourself!"

"But, if we defeat Zeref..." "Then, you'll die at all cost. No matter if you win or lose, you're still going to die,"

Me and my twin brother would step forward to beat Zeref down, "We're not going to die on your dirty hands!!" "Is this what you called fate?! That doesn't matter because I'm going to burn it into ash!"

"I already accepted the fate which I got cursed? And you know the reason why? Because I have no choice unless to accept it," Zeref's dark aura makes my blood boiling as hell.

We both charged forward and started to fight against Zeref. We would also beat him down. I always hate Zeref for turning us like a dumbass twins. We also slammed Zeref to the wall with our fists.

As Zeref charged forward, we would dodged his attack but he kicked us both and hit to the wall. Ouch, that hurts!

"As I expected, you both have no powers of Igneel and Scarneel. It's impossible to defeat me now," then Kylia also realize the same thing that happened to me.

The Scarlet Firebreather (Natsu's twin sister) (FT OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now