Battle against Tartaros

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Natsu's POV

Well, this is not a very good sign for us as our team was attacked by a member of one of the dangerous dark guilds, Tartaros. His name was Jackal and that guy was really messing up our quest. I was severely attacked by that bastard.

My friends were worried about me, mostly to my twin sister. She didn't hesitate to help me in this dangerous battle. She ran to me and she swore that she would be avenged for me although I nearly died in that battle.

"You dirty bastard! If you dare hurt my brother, I'll kill you. I SWEAR I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!" Her blood is really boiling in her. She is almost losing her control and beating Jackal's ass.

I got hit by Jackal's curse and I told them to stay away from me as Jackal's curse would explode to me. I would sacrifice my life for them

Natsumi's POV

I saw my brother got cursed with Jackal's curse and it would explode to him in a mere second. He fell on the ground as he was unconscious due to Jackal's explosion

"NATSU!!!" I scream for his name and my tears would suddenly burst from my eyes. My rage suddenly sparked in me and I charged forward and even attacked Jackal. "Scarlet Fire Dragon Talon!" With my strike, he would fall backward but he's way too dangerous and he attacked me with his deadly curse.

"You are attacking one of us, that means you're attacking all of us!! You're such a merciless monster and this is a payback for doing this to my brother!!" With my poisonous word, Jackal went fucking insane and continue striking me like Grim Reaper.

I really got badly injured due to Jackal's attack but I won't stay down on his hands. I still got the power in my hands. I clenched my fist so hand as the sign of revenge.

I made a surprise counterattack on Jackal. He still avoided my strike but this time I'm gonna make him pay for what he had done.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus Scarlet Fangs!!" I had use my Dragon Slayer Secret Art srike to weakening his deadly attack. He literally fell down as he losing the battle to avenge my twin brother.

After that, I ran to my brother and held his head on my lap. I pleaded him to wake up and I kiss his forehead as the final hope for him.

Natsu's POV

I open my eyes slowly as I woke up from being beaten so hard by Jackal and the person who I saw in my eyes right now is my twin sister. She lying my head on her lap.

"NATSU!!", she calling my name and hugged me to death. "Sis, I can't breath!" I told her to not hug me so tight . "Oh sorry," she let me go for a while and thought that I was dead.

"I'm so worried about you, Natsu. At least I beat Jackal's ass to avenge you. That's how twin sister do for twin brother," she held my shoulder and worrying about me.

"Thanks for helping me, Natsumi. How about the others?" I asking her and wonder where's Lucy, Wendy, Happy and Carla.

"They help the others right after I battling against Jackal," Wendy explained that to us. Thank goodness that no one were harmed on that merciless attack.

Natsumi's POV

Not long after that, me and my twin brother, alongside our Exceed partners have to flew away to save our friends Erza who was apparently being held captive by the dark guild called Tartaros.

When I heard that dark guild name, I was pretty furious, thinking about our comrades being injured especially Laxus, Ilyana and the Thunder Legion were harmed by one of the Tartaros members. I feel bad for them, and swear to avenge our friends with our deadly flames to crush the dark guild into pieces.

As we arrived at Tartaros guild, we had to quietly infiltrate the guild to save Erza and Mirajane. They're in danger and the members of Tartaros were not just ordinary dark guild but way more brutal guild.

Suddenly, we were stumbled by one of Tartaros members. I got a strong feeling where he had the same power as Gray. Does he related to Gray? I couldn't think more as he would froze us both. His ice power is way more stronger than Gray.


As we opened our eyes after being unconscious, we woke up and we were in prison. What's really embarrassing is they took our clothes, my brother was really shirtless meanwhile me only remaining bandage wrapping on my chest but we're both luckily still on pants. Yeah, they imprisoned not only both of us but there's also another one, it's Lisanna too.

We has to figure many ways to get out from the prison. As that ice wizard of Tartaros who I knew as Silver just take a look on three of us. He would have bread and water to me and Lisanna. I know I don't accept anything from the enemy but I had to just because food and water.

What's more shocking to us is that our guild was fully destroyed by Tartaros as I heard about that. Of course I was so enraged as they demolish our home. I hope our Fairy Tail members were doing fine.

We then successfully escaped from the prison as the prison were broken due to high impact crash. Then, we tried to broke the cuffs on our hands. Lisanna would go to save her sister Mirajane.

We then go for our way to save Erza but we were surrounded by guards. We tried to fight against them. Suddenly, the time was frozen and we saw Zeref would suddenly approached. We tried to fight against him by our swords but didn't work.

What's more annoyed to us is that Zeref keep claiming us are actually not human and we're E.N.D and even the life decisions for both of us. My mind was pretty blurred at that moment.

At least Zeref would have us clothes to keep continue to save our friends. My twin brother would save Lucy at last meanwhile I have to save Erza. When I peeping on Erza, I saw it was so horrifying that Erza was brutally punished by the strongest Tartaros member. My eyes turned into rage mode.

I barged in to save Erza but that fucking Tartaros witch, Kyoka also tortured me. It was so painful and I almost can't use my sense. I keep myself strong to defeat Kyoka, even Erza is also by my side.

Suddenly, they activate the Alegria to froze all of us except the Tartaros members. We can't move due to that Alegria curse. After some moment, Alegria curse become disappear and we can continue to protect our friends.

What I realize is that Lucy also not affected by Alegria curse. She really did save us all. Everyone taking their positions to fight against Tartaros. Me and my twin brother would team up with Gajeel to fight against the Tartaros members.

The Scarlet Firebreather (Natsu's twin sister) (FT OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now