After 1 year Returning

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Duncan's POV

It's been a year since our battle against Tartaros and literally changed our entire life. It's still scarred for us. Some of them lost people and dragons who they love. That was pretty painful for us

I woke up in the early morning and apparently I had to stay with Lucy as the twins hadn't been heard for a year for now. I continued to live a normal life like others. I then have to take a shower and change the new clothes. I also actually had to take a part time job as a reporter for Sorcerer Weekly.

Yeah, you know why? Lucy provided for some work after Master disbanded Fairy Tail. That news pretty shocked me as well. I can't believe Master would decide to separate all of us and follow our ways.

But I had no choice but to follow Lucy instead. After the disbandment of Fairy Tail, I had to take a job as a reporter to fulfill my experience.

Every day I have to follow Lucy if there are any Grand Magic Games held in Fiore Kingdom and review the match even the wizards in the guild.

I struggled so hard with this job and discussed with Jason if there was any article that had to fix it. For him, I'm just like his closest intern.

I also care a lot about Lucy just like how I care a lot about Nat. Yeah, I miss them. I know Lucy missed the Fairy Tail guild members so much. Almost all of them got the information about them except... Natsu and Natsumi.

I wonder if they're both doing well since it's been a long time since I didn't hear news about them.

One day, we held to the Grand Magic Games as usual to make a review about the match. I have no interest about it and am pretty bored but have to review about it.

When the wizard from that guild won that match, there were two people who were suddenly stepped into the arena. I was pretty suspicious at first about both of them.

When both of them were unleashed their unlimited flame powers, the enormous flames started to melt the arena and even burning people's clothes, causing hellish surroundings.

I widened my eyes as things become unexpected to me. When both of them reveal themselves, it's true that they are Natsu and Natsumi!

Oh how I miss them both for about a year. They have a drastic change on them, especially my girlfriend. I'm pretty surprised that she now has her new hairstyle which is wavy hair but no bangs. Now I like her new hairstyle, compared to her old hairstyle which was pretty nice.

People in the stadium started to panic and ran away from the stadium due to the overheating stadium. I saw both of them standing in the middle of the arena and they saw us at the side of the stadium.

"Hey Duncan, it's been a while, isn't it?" Nat would even smiled at me and welcomed with her words which I really missed so much. I smiled it back at her, "Yeah, Nat? How's it going now?"

After our reunion, we then take a stroll around the Fiore Kingdom, talking about what are they doing for about a year. We had the conversation and they always keep saying about their own training at Tenrou Island . I also noticed that Nat's left arm were bandaged, maybe it's not because injury but maybe she had hide her something which I assume as her "secret weapon", same as her twin brother. I tried not to talk about it for now.

"So, how's about our friends in the guild? Are they doing now?" As Nat would even ask that kind of question, I was pretty embarrassed and tried to be serious and knew that I was pretty afraid to tell the truth about it.

"You guys, actually Lucy and I are about to tell the truth about our friends," I know it's so hard to answer to our friends' condition in the guild. I looked at Lucy and she nodded to allow me to tell everything.

"Well, as you guys might not know that Fairy Tail has been... disbanded," Lucy then tell the truth about the Fairy Tail guild.

Natsumi's POV

What? Did I actually hear that Fairy Tail has been disbanded. I was freaked out when I heard that news, and so my twin brother. There's no way that Fairy Tail could be disbanded.

All this time for about a year, they have just disbanded and our friends had been going on their ways after that. That isn't cool and we have to brought our friends back and rebuild the Fairy Tail guild. I also hugged Kylia when I heard the news of Fairy Tail disbandment.

Not long after that, Lucy and Duncan would brought is to her new house. Pretty much different from her old house in Magnolia and it's wide and beautiful.

Then, Lucy would make a simple rules for us to always behave in her house. But my twin brother is still being himself for real. That's so hilarious.

We then had a little bit of haircut. My brother still has his new short haircut and mine still with my wavy hair but cut a little bit on chest level and I like it if there's no bangs. And we're also had a bath after so long. At least I would take a bath at the river during a year of training in Tenrou Island.

We had enjoy foods together and even playing games. We missed on hanging out together after a year. But we keep our promise to bring back our friends to the guild.

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