In the Deserted No Man's Land

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Natsumi's POV

Hold on, we were all being transported to other places mysteriously. Why? Apparently while we have to negotiate August alongside the Spriggan 12 member Brandish and the reason is only one for us: to stop the war.

We knew that Brandish had a good relationship with August. Suddenly, things changed when Brandish suddenly stabbed August with knife. She would never do that but Mest would possessed her to do that. Me and my twin brother were so enraged on why Mest actually do that because he really doesn't trust the enemy. This also made August become enraged and in out of control. Madness had been took over him.

While we had to face his madness, suddenly the mysterious scarlet light would shining on the ground. Not only around out area, but the whole place. I mean, the whole continent. The scarlet light would even changing the earth surface, even changing the location and most of all, separate all of us to other places.

Luckily, I'm still safe with my twin brother and Lucy and also my boyfriend, Duncan. We were quite shocked on what was happening to us. As I look around, the surrounding look so strange, never seen like before. We tried to search Brandish as she suddenly disappeared, alongside August.

While we tried walking miles away from where we stopped, we were surprised that the location of The Fiore Kingdom Palace was actually near to the Kardia Cathedral. This is really strange. My biggest question is who did all of these?

Suddenly, we saw Gray and Juvia carried injured Erza in front of us. "Gray! Erza! Juvia! Thank goodness that you guys are safe," I called them so we could know what's actually happened.

"Yeah, at least we're safe. What's actually happened just now?" Gray would asked me with that question. "I don't know. Only I know is the red lights were suddenly glowed in the ground and would even changing the earth surface and the locations. That lights also separate us from where we supposed to be," I explained to Gray.

Suddenly, we looked above the sky as the gigantic eye appeared and look beneath us. What is it looking at for real? Is it from another Spriggan 12 strongest wizard? That looks suspicious for us.

We then tried to find our friends as they were fight against the Alvarez army. We keep trusting them to win the war.

As we were having rest away from the battlefield, I knew that Erza would even satisfied as we fought so hard and even sacrifice our energies. She then would let us to have a rest for our next battle in the next day.

As the dawn broke, we have to wake up, know that she would let us have a rest but we would sleep no more as we still have strong faith to continue fight until the end. "If the enemy are still here, we would beat them until our last dying breath. There's no surrender, there's no retreat!" I give my quote to my friends so they will motivate themselves to finish the war

Erza would even smiled with my quotes and even my friends and my twin brother. We would then instantly be charged forward to the battlefield, to wipe out the enemy for one last time.

Together, we charged forward alongside our friends to fight side by side. We would take our position to fight the enemy. We would face our opponent which is also Spriggan 12 wizard but he's also the Dragon Slayer. My twin brother would ate God Serena's flame. God Serena's strength would conquer the elements but luckily Gildarts would arrive at the battlefield to fight against God Serena.

So, Gildarts told us to stay away from the battlefield to give him space to battle against God Serena. We were far away from him from now. Suddenly, we felt the extreme coldness around us. I know Gray wouldn't do this but that coldness would froze us except Gray.

Natsu's POV

After some moment we got frozen by another Spriggan 12 wizard which has the same ability as Gray, I would set myself in blaze to defrost myself, even my twin sister too.

We thought that we wanted to fight alongside Gray against the Spriggan 12 Winter Wizard, but suddenly we were captured by the gigantic hand. It was Brandish who captured us. Leaving Gray and Juvia alone to battle against the Spriggan 12 Winter Wizard.

As Brandish would took me, Lucy, my twin sister and Duncan away from Gray and Juvia, she then put us down to somewhere. She then began to tell the truth why she had to do this.

She was so hesitant to tell us about it but she did something worse on us which my twin sister and I can feel severe pain in our heart. She didn't cure our tumor properly.

She told the truth that her ability is not actually healing our curse but actually shrinking it. But, she turned it into the normal size back. How could she do that to us?

Even Lucy and Duncan were worried about us. I can't believe that Brandish were betrayed us. I can feel that my body and twin sister's body become weaker due to our tumor. The darkness would slowly took over us.

Duncan's POV

Brandish then had enough on Lucy and me and started to battle against her. He would mercilessly hurt my girlfriend and her twin brother.

We would battle against her and I would distract her with my firebreathing attack and combat. Lucy would use her Star Dress Form and her Celestial Keys.

Our battle was quite challenging to us. At one point when Lucy is in danger after using her Urano Metria and was counterattacked by Brandish, I can feel that Nat and her twin brother were calling for her and me. They would then suddenly collapse as they became weaker. We won't surrender on the battlefield to avenge people we love.

Suddenly, someone just interfered with our battle. That was the Spriggan 12 swordswoman wizard. She was way more brutal when she was disturbing us. She's also quite dumb and claiming us to hurt Brandish although we didn't mean to punish or even hurt Brandish.

The most unforgivable part is when she would hurt Brandish with the knife in a glimpse of her move, causing Brandish to collapse. I was so shocked why she did that.

She would then take me and Lucy down by force. She even knocked us down and caused us unconscious, even bringing us somewhere. Her merciless action would make me want to go crazy to kill that Spriggan 12 bitch at all cost!

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