Our Victorious Day

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Natsumi's POV

While we're in the end to battle against Acnologia, I knew that Acnologia couldn't move his body in all of sudden, "I can't...move my body," Yeah, they're already activate the Fairy Sphere. We both charged forward our flame combination of Nine Fire Dragons for one last time. "You guys..." "Attack him with.." ".. all of our powers," "Only you two can finish at all cost," "It depends on both of you," "I keep my fingers crossed on both of you!" "Natsu and Natsumi!" Yeah, we can hear their voices, giving spirits to finish Acnologia for one fucking last time.

"Natsu, together! I'll add this combination with my Enchantment Magic!" I held my twin brother's shoulder, he nodded. "Yeah, leave it to us!". We would even knocked Acnologia down with our one single hammer attack, "It's over now, Acnologia!!!"

We wouldn't ever forgive after what he had done to our parents. He killed both of them, making us traumatizing that day for the rest of our lives. Our flames would even makes him bluffing and didn't know what to do, even making him deeply shaken.

Our flame attack would even strike him, knocking him so hard with high impact, cause the hellish chaos situation and even slicing off his crystals. For one last time, he was finally defeated by our fierce flame strike. He can't do anything for now as we defeat him, thinking that it's not enough for defeating both of us. He literally hadn't enough for wanting more destruction and mayhem that he wants.

"You can't have everything, for real," said my twin brother to Acnologia. "That's why to appreciate on what you actually have," I agree with my twin brother's word, "Yeah, that's true. My Mama once gave an advice to me to always appreciate with what you have. I know you once love dragons because you treated them with kindness and care. From that, I finally learned something to always care with others. Last but not least, destruction and war are not the best solutions to avenge what you have. Because I'm also the forgivable person, you need to apologize after what you done and forget the dark past in you." I also gives an advice to Acnologia.

"Just don't be so greedy. As long as we have our friends, we don't need other stuff," said my twin brother, "Yeah, he's right, just let your rage and madness go for good," I continued his words. As Acnologia started to fade away due to his defeat, he finally realized about his unforgivable fault, "Now, I understand at last... You deserve to be a king, Natsu..." Acnologia would finally passed the King title to my twin brother.

My twin brother would even smiled and said, "It's ok. I actually don't want to be a king," I would even smiled as he would decided, at least I would have The New Queen of Dragons title Irene would passed to me as she was mother's best friend but had to had to hide this title from public for good. "Natsu, you made it," I would also hugged my twin brother as we claimed our victory after defeating Acnologia, "No, WE also made it," as he also hugged me, after that all the Dragon Slayers would hugged both of us. WE actually made it at last...

Duncan's POV

As Acnologia is finally defeated inside the Fairy Sphere, he would suddenly faded as he finally losing the battle. "Acnologia is suddenly..." "..faded,". "They finally made it.." said Happy. "And that means.." I would even grinned as Acnologia was defeated. "Natsu and the others are winning the war!" Lucy continued my sentence. Yeah, we're all cheered for the victory of defeating our enemies at last. I would hugged Kylia as we made it in this war

Suddenly, we saw the sky is suddenly cracked and what I saw is actually the twins and other Dragon Slayers falling from the sky after they defeating Acnologia. I would even smiled as I finally my girlfriend at last but I tried to catch her as she would fall on me and Kylia very fast. Everyone are welcoming the other Dragon Slayers home to us for this majestic victory.

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