Strong Bonds Among Us

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Duncan's POV

"Hey , how does it feel now?" Natsu asking me about my recent condition. "Yeah, I'm pretty good," I replied his question with a smile on him.

"Natsu, this is Duncan Rosenblatt. Maybe you might don't know that he's actually half human and half Kaiju. Probably Kaiju is almost same as dragons," Natsumi pointing her finger to me to introduce myself to her twin brother Natsu.

"Nice to meet you, Duncan. You must be an amazing person I ever found. " he granted his wide smile to me. He's such a nice and cheerful guy. Literally just like his twin sister.

"Hold on, how did you related to Kaiju? Maybe because of your parents? Because my sister told me you're related to much with Kaiju" Natsu also asking some question to me.

Well, time to spill the tea about my parents to these twins. "So, I actually related to Kaiju because of my father, Belloc who's also known as The King of Kaiju,"

"We're almost have the same. My father is The Fire Dragon King, Igneel. I think we can be best buddies, " Natsu tells a little bit about his father who's actually a dragon. Damn, I think we're both were raised by different kind of dragons.

"Mine would be my mother, Scarneel. She was the Scarlet Fire Dragon Queen," not only me and Natsu, even his twin sister too.

"I think three of us are quite lucky for real and you're still lucky one that you're dad are still around," Natsu rubbed his head while smiling.

Natsumi's POV

Well, I was thinking to bring Duncan to meet my other friends in the guild as he slowly recovering from his pain. So, I tell him to meet my other friends outside the infrimary room.

" Hey Duncan, if I don't mind you, can we bring you to meet with my other friends in this guild? Maybe they're so excited to see you," I ask him while holding his hand so he will open his heart to meet everyone in Fairy Tail.

"She's right. We might be kinda friendly in this guild and we always treat you like a part of the family," Natsu agrees with my statement and we try to comfort Duncan to meet the others in our guild.

For me, Duncan is not so arrogant but sometimes he's such an open minded person. I hope we would accept his words. Sometimes he would burst his temper, just like how my twin brother do.

Duncan's POV

She held my hand and wanted me to meet her friends in her guild. Only I know she's just a kind and generous person. About the old memories of mine about my friends: Kenny, Jenna and even Isabel. I really miss them so much but I'm really sorry guys. This time, I'm gonna accept her permission to meet her friends in this guild.

"Ok, I keep your promise this time. I'm also so excited to see your friends in this guild," I held Nat's hand back as an answer to her and Nat is just screaming excitedly. She then hugged me as a sign of thank you from her.

She then pulling my hands off from the bed. I decided to follow the twins out from the room. And as I stepped out from the room, everybody was waiting for us and having their joy time in their guild. They are so friendly and quite cheerful.

I met with her closest friends one by one. One with the guy with black hair who claimed himself as an Ice Wizard. His name is Gray and one fact which make me feel so bananas that Nat told me that Gray always stripping his clothes which also annoys her.

I also met with the blonde girl which mainly using Celestial Magic and her name is Lucy Heartfilia. She might be smart enough as she has beauty with brain. She also probably become Natsu's future girlfriend. She reminded me of my classmate, Jenna. She's also friendly as the twins.

I also met with the redhead girl in armor named Erza. She might be so strict but caring. And, the young girl in a dark blue hair named Wendy and her white cat named Carla.

I started to get along with them and we enjoy our party. Without I realize, I suddenly sneezing and a small amount of fire came out from my mouth.

The whole guild would be quite shocked with my sudden action. Their reaction faces says everything in this situation. "Hold on, you can breath fire?," Natsu is the only one who would be questioning my inner power. I know I'm not ready to answer this.

"Yeah, sorry to inform you that I also can breath fire," I know people around me were pretty shocked to me about my inner power.

" You're not alone here, Duncan. I also can breath fire and plus I can use hand to hand combat with my flames, even attacking with my flames. Same as my twin brother. But my flame is quite unique which is scarlet red as my blood," Natsumi patted my shoulder. She's indeed the dragon's daughter and she maybe quite amazing.

Even everyone agree with her words. Everyone accept me like a family member. While I was enjoying time with them, I took some coal to appetizing my belly.

"Hold on, you can eat coal?," I almost bursting out the coal from my mouth as Nat ask that kind of question to me.

"Probably yes, I thought you're gonna say something bad to me about my weird appetite," I took a chunk of coal and eating the coal.

"No, I'm not gonna say something bad about you. I'm not kind of person like that. I actually have the same craving as you. When I was a kid, I actually got bullied at the orphanage because I sneakily ate coal from the fireplace. The orphans thought that I was a weird kid at that time but I don't simply care because it's actually myself. I actually like eating coal and even flames to boost my energy. Mine would be both," when she told about the truth that she also have same appetite as me, I can feel the strong bonds with her.

"I think we have the same appetite. Anyway, wanna share the coal with me?," I asking to her if she want some coal. She might like it. She nodded and we share the coal with each other. Our relationship is getting stronger and closer.

As Natsu stares at me, he knew that how close I am to his twin sister. To him, I'm just like his younger brother.

Since I'm in their guild, I also got my new family here and they treated me with their pleasure. They also welcoming me as the new family member of Fairy Tail. Oh how lucky to be a part of them.

The Scarlet Firebreather (Natsu's twin sister) (FT OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now