EXTRA: The Adventure with Duncan

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Natsumi's POV

After some days, I would take the quest of the Kaiju attack at the Lakesburgh City on the quest board in the build. This time it's only me, Duncan and Kylia. But then, Natsu, Lucy and Happy would also wanted to join our quest and I would agree.

It took some time to reach that place but we had to take a train ride. I know it's a bad idea for us for a train ride as you might know that my twin brother and I are having a severe motion sickness. We had to struggle ourselves in a train ride until we finally arrived at the location.

As we have a stroll on the way to the city, we were suddenly the boulder were thrown upon us. Luckily, we dodged it. "What the hell is going on? Let's go take a look closer!" I was in pure shock and had to check on the situation in the Lakesburgh city.

We came to the Lakesburgh city and were shocked that the city was ruined and in chaos under the Kaiju attack. So, are these Kaiju creatures than Duncan explained to us while on the train ride to the Lakesburgh City?

Without hesitate, my twin brother would charge forward and already firing up. He would then throw his Fire Dragon Iron Fist to that Kaiju but the Kaiju would grab him by his claw and slam him by force.

I was worried with my twin brother and me with my boyfriend had to go help my twin brother as he was in trouble. While on the way to help him, I suddenly was stopped by the female wizard which her ability is she would froze people into stone when they look on her eyes. "Nat, are you okay?" said Duncan. "Yeah, I'm fine and just go help Natsu on attacking Kaiju," I asked him to help Natsu and he would nod, instantly help my twin brother.

Plus, she also has her hair which actually looks like snakes. "Let me introduce myself for a while. My name's Medusa and I'm the witch who is in control of Kaijus," with She then would introduce herself as Medusa. She would spot people who were tried to run away from her and instantly froze them into stone. "Pathetic people," how dare she say that?!

I was shocked as she did that but I know I tried to avoid her venomous attack and also avoid my eyes from looking at her eyes. "You know that you can't defeat my lovely venom attack. Just the pathetic bitch like you never easily beat me with our attack," "Be careful on what you said and don't easily judge me, you slut! Anyway, your snakes are really hideous in my eyes," she can't just underestimate me about myself and even my attacks.  It's hard to resist it. While I was fighting with her, I got an idea to just close my eyes while fighting against her. With this, I would avoid from her sighting.

I remember on doing like that when I was doing personal training at the forest with my twin brother. He once taught me that without seeing the opponent. At least I know their coordinate and memorize my fighting skills without seeing the opponent. I call it as "the blind battle,"

I tried to dodged her venomous attack and counterattack with my Scarlet Fire Dragon Roar. She got a little bit affected by my fire attack, but she hadn't enough with me. "Alright, you filthy freak, let's try this on you!"

She continued to use her attack and I was hit by her venomous attack, causing me to be hard to breathe. "Natsumi!!" my twin brother was called for me as I fell on the ground. I become so easily sweating due to the venomous attack from Medusa, but I try to resist it.

Oh, I forget that I have the healing Enchantment Magic on me. I tried to heal myself with my own Enchantment. "You think I would easily being defeat by your own venom? Absolutely not! Because I know I can heal myself and I still have friends to protect each other and the innocent people!" my words would even make her shocked, "Impossible. How does my venom not affected on her? And what is this strange aura?" Medusa would become shudder with my outrageous aura.

"You easily beaten me like a flea but I know I'm not weak as you usually thought! I'm just an ordinary girl but with the soul of a dragon. I also have friends and family around me. Now, it's my turn to teach you the lesson!" as the blaze of rage surrounded me which made Medusa had no choice and no idea for her next strike. "Stop it, you give me a nightmare! You're a monster!" her face was really freaked out when she saw me in fierce.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus Scarlet Fangs!"I would use my Dragon Slayer Secret Art attack to end her at all cost. After that, she would almost be burned into crisp.

As I coming closer to her after being defeated, she knew she wouldn't able to fight again. I don't know what make her freka out after seeing my attack. "Please, I beg you. Stop it, you brought this nightmare to me!" she stopped herself with her hands.

"What nightmare? Tell me!" I grabbed her clothes by force. "I...I actually...was accused for killing my ex-boyfriend. He caught cheating on me with another girl. I thought he would fulfill my promise to always be together, but he lies. I was wrong about that. I didn't think too long and decided to kill him by the knife which I injected venomous snake poison on the knife. And the person who saw me killing my boyfriend then informed to the chief that I killed my boyfriend. Not long after that, I was being punished by burned alive. Because of your flames, that night came back to me. I was traumatized at that time. I was almost dead after being burned alive." she then explained about her tragic past.

"If that's how you faced your dark past and turned into this, how would you being resurrected?"I would ask her again. "If..if I remember correctly, I would being resurrected by the snake but the poison wouldn't kill me but would saved my life. I would move a little bit slowly. But someone would saved my life. His name is Zeref and he then would turned me into this. Before I was turning into this. I was so beautiful and I have a long and wavy brunette hair and I also have blue eyes. I can't believe that the sin I ever did would change me for my entire life," she then explained and hearing she explained that Zeref helped her makes me feel so outrageous. That bastard helped her is so unforgivable.

"It's ok, it's not your fault. At least killing innocent people is not the best solution to settle the problem. Maybe he was mistaken and forgot that he is yours. I'm going to set your free from your suffering," I hugged her as she burst her tears. She was really guilty after what she done.

"Hey you, I just want to tell my real name before I turned myself to Medusa. My real name is Eleanor and it's nice to be your friend..." she then finally reveal her real name. "What a beautiful name. My name is Natsumi Dragneel and I'm the Fairy Tail mage. I'm also the Scarlet Fire Dragon Slayer," I introduced myself to Eleanor.

"Dragon Slayer? The mage? You're such an amazing person I ever seen," she would even said her last words and even smiled before she would faded away as she was defeated. I would smile lightly and hoping that she would rest in peace. Actually, she doesn't deserve the pain and the hate that she got.

"Natsumi!!!" Natsu and Duncan were calling my name from far away to get me. "Are you alright?" "Did she hurt you, Nat?" they would asked me if I'm injured or not. "Hey, hey, I'm alright. I'm doing fine," I would tell them that I'm ok.

"Where is that snake witch?" my twin brother would asked me about that. "I think she's gone for real. Actually she's not pure evil, but broken. As I defeated her, she became so traumatized with my attack, reminded her about her tragic past which changed her entire life. It wasn't her fault for killing her boyfriend because her boyfriend caught cheating on her. Now, I'm releasing her from pain and hate. She then finally died after receiving severe burn due to my attack," I explained the reason why Medusa is not pure evil. Yeah, my twin brother and Duncan were feel bad with Eleanor.

"At least you told her about the truth, you did it and you're such forgivable person," my twin brother would hugged me as we did our quest. "Thanks, bro. So, how about the Kaiju? Did you guys finish them?" I thanked them.and would ask if they successfully defeating Kaiju.

"Yeah, we did. That Kaiju really almost broke my bones. And..I finally roasted them to death by my fire," said my twin brother. He's always being badass as always. "Me too. I really had enough on Kaiju who tried to crush me," said my boyfriend.

We made it for our quest and Medusa's curse are already disappeared and turning people back into normal. We saved the Lakesburgh City and they have to reconstruct the city. The mayor praised our bravery on defeat the Kaiju and Medusa. He gave us the reward after the battle and we would finally return to the guild with smile

The Scarlet Firebreather (Natsu's twin sister) (FT OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now