EXTRA: Mysterious Shadow & Blood Attack

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Natsumi's POV

I couldn't move my arms and legs. That's so painful. I also couldn't open my eyes but I would stand in the darkness. Yeah, I was brutally tortured by Ariana and I'm in an unconscious state. by a But, I could hear that one voice far away calling me

"What are you doing here, little one? Shouldn't you have to go for your fight?" the mysterious figure suddenly approaching in front of me.

"Who are you?" I was wondering who was the person talking to me.
"I'm the one person who is really close to you" she then answered my question.

Her appearance more to her long copper red hair with her white, golden lace dress. I've never seen this person before in my entire life. " Maybe you might know one day," she had to hide her true name for a while.

"What? I don't understand and I don't believe it," I actually don't trust on that kind of person like that. She looks so suspicious and kinda bit secretive.

"Never mind about that. But most importantly, you're now actually in an unconscious state. Your friends and your twin brother were worried about you and they're also in danger." She then quickly changed topic to inform that my twin brother and friends are almost off the edge.

"Yeah, I need to do something. I have to live and I can't leave them behind. All I have to do is to save my friends from the danger and return to the guild together," I instantly explain my words to her so I have to do something

"Of course, little one. But there's one thing I need to tell you before you go to protect your friend," she held my hand in hers before I set myself to save my friends.

"What is it?" I was clueless that she would like to tell me one thing I actually didn't know.

"Did you know that you're blood is not just an ordinary blood. You can turn your blood into your deadly weapon to your enemy" Alright, her words seem to be quite useful for me.

"By how?" I continued questioning her
"By your flame attack. As your blood keeps flowing from your body, you can ignite it by a massive blast which causes severe burn towards the enemy" She then continues her explanation for this one last time.

"Alright, got it. Sounds so useful to me. Thanks for your advice!" I keep smiling at her while walking away from her to save my friends.

"No problem. Make sure you're gonna make it and save your friends." she keeps shouting at me while waving her hand to me. She suddenly faded while I was running to save my friends.

As I got her words, I'll make sure that I'm gonna teach some lessons to Ariana that she would never mess up with my friends

Guys, don't worry about me. I'm coming to save you guys! This is for us and our guild!

As I awoke from my unconscious state, I suddenly felt strange, strong aura in me. The blood is still dripping from my hands and legs to the ground.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art..." I continued my strike against Ariana although being tied in an upside down position .

"Crimson Lotus Exploding Blood!!!" I clenched my fist which was still covered with blood. My blood was glowing scarlet red and sparked the deadly explosion to Ariana and her gigantic spiders.

My friends and my twin brother Natsu were shocked by my extraordinary flame attack. They also smiled as I was back in action and they were gathering strength and fighting them back.

Natsu's POV

As I hear Natsumi is awake and makes an extraordinary bloody flame attack on Ariana, I called my twin sister's name as she made her counterattack to her.

"NATSUMI!!" I called her name as she responds with her attack.
"NATSU!!!" she responded my answer and tried to burn herself to escape Ariana's spider web. She then fall and landing perfectly on the ground.

"Are you alright?" I asked her if she got injured or not.
"Yeah, I'm fine" she just being ok she said.
We began to attack Ariana for one last time as she became weaker and make our Unison Raid for the final strike.

Our friends also do the same on attacking Ariana's gigantic spiders.
Lucy using her Celestial spirit Loke, Gray with his Ice Magic, Erza using her Lightning Armor and Wendy using her Sky Dragon Magic.

We began to hug each other as we did it on beating Ariana's ass. Yeah, this is a payback for hurting my baby sister.

Natsumi's POV

Our Unison Raid was really quite badass as we successfully defeating Ariana.

Then, we rushed in the Skeleton City to find the lost treasure. As I dive deeper to find the lost treasure, I suddenly saw the treasure just trapped inside the wall. I instantly punching the wall to break the treasure free. My first quest is almost done.

As I instantly took out the treasure from the wall, I brought it along and ran towards my friends and my twin brother.

"Guys, I made it! I found the lost treasure!" I shouted at them as I made it for my very first quest ever. They're so excited with my successful action.

Not long after that, we made it out from the Skeleton City and received our reward from another mayor who help us to find the lost treasure by offer this quest.

For the reward, we have to divide it each one of us. Mine got 5000 jewels, Natsu got 4000 jewels, Lucy got 4000 jewels, Gray got 4000 jewels, Erza got 4000 jewels and Wendy got 4000 jewels.

At least got a little bit higher because this is my first time I have to go along for the quest and at least my friends are here to always help me whenever I'm in danger, including my twin brother Natsu

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