Irene, The Former Queen of Dragons

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Duncan's POV

I ran to find Natsumi and she must have been there while Erza is getting Natsu, Natsumi and Gray getting into tense heat. As I keep running, I can see four of them were gathering and I guess three of them were stopped fighting each other.

"Natsumi!!" I call her name so she would hear me. She turned her head and saw me far away, "Duncan?" she called my name. I ran to her and hugged her tightly.

"I was worrying about you. I don't want you to risk your own life. At least you're safe now," I said to Natsumi so she would go out of control just like recently.

Not long after that, Juvia cane along with Wendy ran to us. Juvia straight forward to Gray. While Natsu is out of his energy and luckily Lucy got him back.

Natsumi's POV

We then walking far away from we supposed to, straight to our guild. Duncan carried me on arms. But I still got more energy to continue fighting.

"You're ok, Nat?" Duncan asked me if I'm still ok. "Yeah, I'm fine. At least I got some energy to fight," I answered his question.

Suddenly, Erza warns us to dodge the sudden attack by the enemy. "Everybody, dodge!". We instantly dodged the attack but the enemy in front of us is really strong.

"I am you and you are me, Erza" she approached in front of us and her attack almost killed us. Hearing her words makes me wonder what her relationship with Erza

I can feel the strange sense of this enemy. She has dark red hair. This smell is so related to Erza. Who is this woman related to Erza? My Dragon Slayer sense also tingling as she has the power of dragon. Is she also related to dragons?

Erza instantly strike the enemy back with her sword attack. Erza commands us to brought us away and let her settling her enemy.

"Duncan, you go first. I'll go later" I asked Duncan to go first with Lucy. "But how about you?" he worried about me. "Don't worry, Duncan. I'll be ok. I also have to fight alongside Erza", I tried to convince yo make sure him save.

In the meantime, I also worrying about my twin brother who's almost dying. Don't worry, Natsu. You're gonna be ok. Without wasting my time, I have to fight too, and I can't let Erza fight alone because her enemy also has  a Dragon Slayer sense like me.

As Erza continues fighting against her enemy, Wendy approached to help Erza with using her Enchantment Magic and I also came to help her instantly.

"Erza, let me fight with you," said Wendy. "Wendy?" Erza puzzled why she also join the fight with her.

"Erza, I'll count myself in with you," I came to her by her side, also attacking the enemy with my Scarlet Fire Dragon Iron Fist attack. "Natsumi? Why are you guys...?" Erza was clueless why both me and Wendy joining the fight.

"Erza, I have a bad feeling about this. My Dragon Slayer sense suddenly tingling that our enemy is related to dragons. If the enemy is related to dragons, maybe the Dragon Slayers like me and Wendy are very suitable to fight," I said to Erza. Erza was speechless and allowed us to join the fight.

"Oh, so these two girls besides Erza are Dragon Slayers? Very impressive." that dark red hair woman impressed with our appearance. I was pretty with her at our first encounter.

Without hesitate, she introduced herself to three of us. "My name is Irene Belserion and I'm your mother, Erza,". Wait a minute, that dark red hair woman is actually Erza's mom? It can't be. If I expect correctly, of course they're almost look alike.

Yeah, they're pretty look alike. The scent, their red hair and their connection. But Erza denied that Irene was her mother. She said that she raised in Rosemary Village and she had no parents. At least she got Master Makarov as her own parent.

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