The Beautiful Day in Magnolia

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Natsumi's POV

11 years have passed since the day I got separated from my twin brother Natsu and Mama's disappearance. I'm turning 18 this year and I'm gonna start a new life in this city, Magnolia with my Exceed partner, Kylia

As usual, the city was pretty crowded, mainly the citizens having a very good life and there's a harbor near the city Magnolia called Hargeon. Usually, the ships would arrive basically from across the sea from the West and even from the East for economic reasons.

"Kylia, this city is really packed like a sardine in a can! There are so many people from around the world who enjoy and have fun in Magnolia." I keep said it with my loud voice as people keep walking in the alley in Magnolia, alongside Kylia.

"Yeah, I don't feel so easy with these crowded people. Maybe we should get out of the crowd and have lunch first, shall we?" Kylia said it to me

As we walked along the alley in Magnolia and tried to get out of the crowd, the beautiful harmony of music filled the city which gives me a pleased vibe. Yeah, you know that even this city has become the wizards and mages' favorite place

Finally, we arrived at the restaurant for our lunch. Did you know that I actually have a big appetite just like my twin brother Natsu. So, I have to order my favorite food which is spaghetti aglio olio and my fav dessert, tiramisu, including my fav drink, mocha latte.

Meanwhile, Kylia just has her favorite macaroni and cheese and her fav drink, strawberry milk.

"Mmm, these foods are very delightful for my belly. I really enjoy it!" I said while enjoying her meal. "I also enjoy it too!" said Kylia while the food filled in her mouth.

Right after we have our lunch, I have to pay it for our meal and we're heading out from the restaurant for our detour in the city Magnolia.

Suddenly, I got bumped by a thief who was stealing people's property while he had to escape himself. I instantly chased him for his hideous action. I keep chasing him and try to surpass the obstacles. You know, I'm actually quite athletic for this stuff

But unfortunately, he escaped and he couldn't be seen in front of my eyes. Kylia keeps flying with her petite wings while we are both chasing that thief. Suddenly, I was so tired and panting as I use too much energy to chase the thief

One thing, I noticed that where I actually stops right now is in front of the one of the notorious guild called Fairy Tail.

"Kylia, look at this!", I called Kylia and exclaimed that we were both stopped right in front of Fairy Tail . "It's the Fairy Tail, the most notorious guild in Magnolia" Kylia was mesmerized with the beauty of the guild's building

"Could this be, my twin brother would be in this guild? Well, it's been a long time since I got separated from him. Well, this is my golden chance to see him again and be with his side" My mind always gives a 1001 thoughts of my decision of I should enter the Fairy Tail guild.

"I shouldn't be hesitate here. Maybe I must see my twin brother for this long time. Kylia, come on!" My body wouldn't hesitate to go to the guild although my mind told me to do decision first. Me and Kylia together went in front of the Fairy Tail guild's door

As I opened the guild's door, there are always the guild members who always like to pick a fight. It's quite loud and noisy, pretty like a bar. Yeah, most of them enjoyed their time with drinks, hanging out with friends and so on.

One thing that my eyes were focused on is to the similar guy who has almost same characteristics as me. He has the salmon pink hair just like my long pink hair and even the same scarf as I actually wear it. Yeah, even the same clothes that we actually wear but I got a little bit difference on my clothing. Could this be my twin brother, Natsu as I have actually been searching for 11 years? Maybe I recognize him so much. Apparently he's actually the most chaotic guy in this guild and he likes to pick a fight with a shirtless guy who has raven hair and has a black Fairy Tail mark on his chest.

"Hey pervy popsicle, why is your face looks so annoying ?" said Natsu while approaching closer to Gray's face.
"Me? Why are you say so, flame brain?" Gray keep teasing on my twin brother's word. Man, Gray was a jerk at first smh

The two then continue to fight each other. At first, it does looks so weird cuz I don't like to make some violence but then I become to normalize this situation in guild

At one moment, both of the boys would use their magic abilities to fight each other. As Natsu would do Fire Dragon Roar, I instantly would catching his flame and eat it.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I am the Dragon Slayer too, just like my twin brother Natsu . I also eat flames and also coal. Both of these are my green flags. One thing which is unique about my Fire Dragon Magic is my flame is quite red as my blood. Possibly scarlet red flame.

Just as I eat Natsu's Fire Dragon Roar flame, the entire guild members would focus their eyes on me. Yeah, I become their attention this time. One of them mostly has a very shocked reaction, especially my beloved twin brother, Natsu.

Yeah, his reaction went bananas for real. Natsu then was in a glimpse of shock after he found out that his long lost twin sister which is me returned in front of his eyes after 11 years.

"NATSU?!" I said his name after all this time we got separated
"NATSUMI?!" He finally called my name right after he saw me in this teenage phase for the first time
And yeah, his life would become bright as heaven as I become the light in his life. Finally, we meet each other after getting separated for a long time.

He then ran to me and hugged me, filled with sadness after getting separated for 11 years. We both cried while hugging and the situation became more touching and emotional.

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