Natsumi vs Irene

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Natsumi's POV

After I heard Irene's full explanation about everything, I was pretty shocked that's how my mom was not a pure dragon at all. All this time that I didn't realize Mama never told me everything. I clenched my fist and my teeth. I was also deeply shaken about what actually happened to Mama.

Sometimes I feel so bad with Irene. She actually didn't deserve the pain and hate that she got. Even Wendy was pretty shocked about that. But how could she said that she threw Erza like a garbage. As far as I know that a mother would never abandoned her child like that. Even Mama couldn't do that to me like that.

"How could you do that to your daughter, huh?! You're the worst mom I ever heard! My Mama would never do that like you do!!! She loves me and even cared about me like her own daughter until her last dying breath!!!" I was pretty mad to Irene while clenching my fist to her as my unsatisfied reaction of her explanation.

Erza is quite different. She still thanked to Irene for giving birth to her but for her, her true family is us, The Fairy Tail guild members. She instantly changed her armor to fight against Irene.

I instantly lit up flames on my fist as we about to start our battle. I can feel my blood pumping in me. This makes me fired up to fight against Irene as she started to attack us with her Enchantment Magic.

Erza charges forward with her sword attack against Irene. Irene could tackled the attack but I strike her from behind with my Scarlet Fire Dragon Wing Attack. She avoided my attack.

I have an idea. I also try to attack her with my Enchantment Magic. With this, I try to using my flame attack with my Enchantment Magic. I would call it as The Fusion Magic which combine my own 2 magic into one.

I then attacked Irene from above and she realized that I was using Enchantment Magic. "Scarlet Fire Dragon Iron Fist!!!" I raised my fist to Irene and attacked her instantly including my Enchantment Magic in my attack.

Erza then attacked Irene with her sword slash. This caused her to thrown backwards and make her enraged after our attack.

"I understand about your tragic past, but still I can't let the mother's hatred feeling to an innocent child," Wendy explain it to Irene. "You know, it's not a very good idea to do that to your daughter. And I won't allow you to do so." I continued her words to her.

"Listen up, Dragon Slayer Sisters. Do you still remember the Dragon Seed that I mentioned before? It's in your body for each one of you. But for you, Natsumi. You're quite different as the Demon Seed also merged with Dragon Seed in your body, " said Irene. "Plus, you're going to die if these two seeds merged together," I widening my eyes as she explained that.

That doesn't mean I would fall for her. I need to figure out something that Mama once blocked these seeds growth. "I understand but still Mama once blocked these both seeds growth and enchanted them once before her death,"  I know Mama did that to me without I realize in the first place.

"That means, we wouldn't turn into dragons," said Wendy. "And so Natsu and the other Dragon Slayers," Erza continues her words.

"I got it. That's the reason why the dragons inserted into your body and blocked the Dragon Seed growth," Irene then realized it, "Belserion, the dragon who once gave the power died in the battlefield. Because of that, I took his name and swore to pay revenge. " Three of us just stare on Irene in innocent way.

"But then, when I realized that the transformation would block by the way of that.... For me, that's not fair at all!!!!" she then strike is in merciless way.

I dodged her attack and so Erza and Wendy. "Give back my old life! I don't want this useless body!!!" she's still desperate to want her old vessel back.

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