The Grand Magic Games (Part 2)

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Natsumi's POV

Sting thinks that he is almost winning his match with Rogue. Just because Sabertooth's point is a little bit higher than Fairy Tail. Our Fairy Tail members were worrying about us. As we get up from our fall in the almost ending of our match, both Sting and Rogue went bananas as they thought it's impossible for both of us keep standing for one last time for our match.

"We all know all your moves and even your fighting style. In the meantime, I also try to memorize it while battling with you." I had to use my wise words to actually make them triggered. Well, they get totally fucked up.

While my twin brother continued his words on Sting, Rogue just said my twin brother is just bluffing, I try to defend my brother and said sarcastically to Rogue, "Huh, don't make me laugh my ass off, idiot! Plus, my twin brother just looks like a guy who is smart enough to bluff" I try to make him feel teased to proof that he is smart or even just D-U-M-B.

Then, my brother gives him some short lecture to those dumbass Twin Dragon Slayer of Sabertooth. Well, I don't know if my twin brother thinks if he's generally smart enough to teach some lessons to them. But, I'm not like Gajeel and I'm different than him. I still agree with my twin brother anyway. We agree to not pick a fight with each other because we might have two different bodies and one same mind on us.

"You gotta be kidding me, right? Or just play a joke on us?" Sting almost got into his dumb thoughts . I replied with him with my cruel smile, " Why?  You think I'm a dumb bitch for this match? Well, I don't think so because I also got my secret moves to strike you back. Come on, try to get me if you dare!", as I always punching my fist on my hand to prepare for our final attack on them.

I can see the fire of rage in their eyes. They're totally done with us. Yeah, this is our golden chance to end this battle against them for this match.

"Hmph, now I'm all fired up!" I can't wait to beat those Sabertooth's Twin Dragon Slayers ass with my signature words.

Natsu's POV

The crowds were cheering for us for our final moments for this match, including our Fairy Tail friends while on Sabertooth's side, they are totally speechless

With my twin sister on my side, we remain standing fearlessly against those Sabertooth's dumbass Twin Dragon Slayers. Yeah, they were pretty bluffing for underestimate us.

"Beat me if and you can take on whoever you want", as I said to them, their reaction make them pretty fucked up.

Natsumi's POV

I can feel their aura's rising. We're actually make their blood boiling as hell. They're activating their Dragon Force once again and Sting started his own strike for this final phase of our match

Fortunately, my twin brother just blocked Sting's attack with his bare hand. This makes Sting quite unsatisfied about this. Sting once said that he uses the true power of dragon Slayer and he uses it as he used to kill his dragon, Weißlogia.

"Oh, is that so? Then,I will use the same kind of my power to protect my friends" he responded to Sting's attack with his Fire Dragon Magic attack while I took my position to fight against Rogue as usual.

"Scarlet Fire Dragon Roar!!" I attacked Rogue with my loud blazing roar attack as he tried to attack me with his shadow roar strike.

"I'm not done with you!!!" Sting furiously charge his attack on my twin brother.

"I'm not giving up now!!" Rogue still wouldn't give up after getting almost roasted by my attack.

"Bring it on!" I dare Sting and Rogue to fight on both of me and twin brother Natsu

We both fight ferociously with our daring attack as Sting and Rogue charge onwards with their stunning strikes.

Sting and Rogue were almost fell down with our badass strike. Yeah, we almost reaching for our victory .

But that didn't end there because this time they would use their Unison Raid which combines two magic in one single attack.  Natsu and I was pretty shocked for their final mega strike.

But still, I won't let myself down in their hands. I stick on with my twin brother Natsu for making our last stand with our final attack

"Natsu, no matter what we ordeal we face. We always make it together," I whisper on his side so we could made up for any circumstances which would happen to us. Natsu nodded as he agreed for both of us.

Kylia gives all of her motivation to keep supporting me although I'm off the edge


As I have to replace Gajeel's place, Kylia come over to me and she actually wanted to say something to me before I set myself up with my twin brother to the arena.

"Hey Natsumi! Wait up!" Kylia called my name at the waiting room as I stop myself for a while

"Hey Kylia, what is it? Is there something you want to talk to me?" I asked her if she wanted to talk about something before the match.

"Nah, nothing's wrong" she just shook her head a bit

"Oh ok then. Well, the match is about to start so I better go for now to the arena" I replied her very shortly.

"Wait, hold on! I'm not gonna say something for you. You know what it means by that?" she had a little bit more words before she left the alley.

I could only smile and answer her questions, "Yeah, sure. I can hear you very well, partner" she would give our Fairy Tail hand symbol as our strong motivation for our family and so I respond her act.

End of flashback

Our Fairy Tail family members would do the same for doing our Fairy Tail hand symbol as it means a lot for us.

Back to the arena, we make our final strike as Sting and Rogue do their Unison Raid.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art..." Natsu started his strike first
"Dragon Slayer Secret Art..." and I followed him as well but with my different attack .

"Crimson Lotus Exploding Flame Blade!!!" He continued his enormous flame strike
"Crimson Lotus Scarlet Phoenix Arrow!!!" I also continue my own strike and our strike combines in one enormous flame attack towards Sting and Rogue until they get beaten down by our attack.

The arena was deeply shaken due to our epic strike. Even the spectators and our Fairy Tail guild members were shocked by that moment.

Due to our combination attack, both Sting and Rogue finally fell down to the ground as they were beaten down in the middle of the damaged arena.

Only both of me and my twin brother Natsu were two last standing at the end of the match, so that means we both won our match against Sabertooth's Twin Dragon Slayers.

We are both high five as we reach our victory for our match. I think this is our lucky day for the GMG. The spectators and our Fairy Tail guild members were cheering for our victory. Yeah, this time we beat Sabertooth's ass

As we approached the fallen Sting and Rogue, we actually didn't mean to pay revenge. We're hoping that we can meet up with them for some time.

"Let's we fight again for sometimes" we both said in unison while smiling at them so we hope they regret for paying revenge against us and make them changing for good.

After the match, Gajeel came at the very last minute and was wondering how was the match. Natsu is just go after Gajeel and would beat Gajeel up for being left for his dual match with my twin brother Natsu. I would just chuckled on both of them.

For me after the match, it was a very good memory to me and no matter if you lose or you win, you still did your own best and there's actually no hate reasons to compete in this game. We enjoy the game because we enjoy each other without shed innocent people's blood.

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