The Day the Dragons Went Missing

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Narrator's POV

She spent her childhood with Scarneel and she would teach her something new that Natsumi actually feels curious about. At one moment, Natsumi accidentally fell off the cliff while playing near the cliff and luckily Scarneel would fetch her from falling as she heard Natsumi's scream due to her fall.

"I got you!" Scarneel quickly grabbed Natsumi at the edge of the cliff. Natsumi was panting in fear. Scarneel instantly landed Natsumi on the ground, away from the cliff

"Ouch, my knee hurts!" Natsumi screamed in pain while burst her tears. Scarneel noticed that Natsumi's knee was bleeding. "Does it hurt? Let me see that," Scarneel rushed to Natsumi getting injured

As Scarneel checked Natsumi injured her knee, she would heal Natsumi with some enchantment that Irene (Scarneel's best friend) taught her. Natsumi was also amazed with Scarneel healing her wound. She would cherish the moment with her foster mother.

"Wow, that was amazing, mama! How did you do that?" Natsumi was so fascinated with Scarneel's ability to heal the wound. "Well, I actually learned it from my friend who was close friends," said Scarneel while smiling at her adopting daughter.

"Your friend?" Natsumi still wonder who was the friend she referred to. Scarneel just said to Natsumi, "Um, maybe you will know one day, when you're ready. Maybe when you're reached to your teenage years"

"Yeah, ok mama!"Natsumi said it very simply to Scarneel. "Ok c'mon, let's pick some fruits at the trees, shall we?", Scarneel then carried Natsumi on her hand to pick some fruits. "Yeah, let's go mama!" Natsumi answered it excitedly.

Everything would going well for the relationship between the dragon mother, Scarneel and the human daughter, Natsumi. Until one fateful day which would change Natsumi's entire life....

Unfortunately, on 7th July X777, the dragons went missing. Scarneel mysteriously disappeared. Without Natsumi realizing what was actually going on, she thought that Scarneel playing hide and seek with her. She then burst in tears as she kept running in the forest while searching for Scarneel.

"Mama? Mama, where are you?" Natsumi asking on where Scarneel actually have been. "Mama, don't be silly with me. I'm scared!! Come back here, mama!!! I don't want to be alone again!!!" Natsumi keep saying that while burst her tears and running in the forest to find her foster mother

"MAMA!!!" Natsumi screaming for
Scarneel that she disappeared from Natsumi's vision. Since that day, she has to keep survive for her life without Scarneel. Her smile was gone right after Scarneel's disappearance

As she kept walking out of the forest, she finally made it to the city called Magnolia which the city is quite crowded. She finally made it to one of the orphanage and she had to live with the other orphans

But, she actually feel unhappy as she stayed at the orphan. Sometimes, she is always getting bullied with the boys for being naughty to them and even got teased by other orphans for being weird

Not long after that, she left the orphanage a few months later as she couldn't handle the situation she faced in the orphanage. She always wondered if her twin brother Natsu will always be by her side, she would never be hurt by those bullies. She has to live alone again

Suddenly, a small things would brought a light to her life. Natsumi suddenly found a large egg under a shady tree. She instantly brought a large egg under her petite tent and always take care about it. Few days later, an egg was suddenly hatched and Natsumi rushed to her tent to see what's going on.

As the egg was hatched, it was actually a tabby petite cat which called as an Exceed. It has the mixture of dark brown and white fur. "It's a cat. I thought that it supposed to be a dragon" Natsumi said it curiously

"Hmm, and it has a unique pattern on her fur. What should I name for this Exceed?" Natsumi still wondered the perfect name for her newborn Exceed.

"Oh, I got an idea! Your new name for you is Kylia. From now on, you are Kylia!" Natsumi carried Kylia on her arm and lifted her on the air

"Kylia, from now on. I'm your new friend. I promise I'll never leave you alone" Natsumi always kept her promise to her newly partner Kylia to never be alone. I think Natsumi is alone and would never be alone again and again  for the rest of her life.

Her journey with her Exceed partner Kylia had just begun in her magical adventure...

Narrator: OK, I think my part is already done here for this chapter
Natsumi: Aww, I was about to tell my story for this chapter. That's not fair! >_<
Narrator, Hehe, sorry Nat XD. Ok, for this next chapter, you're gonna be narrating  your part for your wonderful adventure. Let me just take a rest for the next chapter
Natsumi: Alright, sounds like a deal to me! It's my turn for this next chapter. Btw, it's not your fault for telling me this story, Sophia XD
Narrator: Aww, thanks Nat XD

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