The New Queen of Dragons

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Natsumi's POV

As I woke up in the middle of our tense fight, I saw Erza threw herself to the comet. I also saw Irene turn herself into a dragon for the first time. I was widening my eyes that she became a Sage Dragon.

I also saw Erza cut the comet by her sword herself. The comet suddenly broke into pieces and fell on the ground rapidly. And so Erza started to makes an instant attack to Irene from the air. To Irene, it's impossible that the human like Erza would beat her ass in a single attack and it's also impossible to cut her scales although she did cut the meteor into pieces.

I have to do something to help Erza to finish this once and for all. Wendy and I together cast our Enchantment to Erza to hardening her attack to defeat Irene. With her single Enchanted slash, she successfully cut Irene's scales and Irene was screamed in pain. Irene instantly fell on the ground as she defeated by Erza.

Irene instantly turned herself into human back. Unfortunately, Erza couldn't move her body parts although she made it by defeating Irene. I try to crawl myself to Erza to make sure that she's ok.

Irene then walked a little bit and grabbed Erza's sword. She wants to do that on purpose to kill Erza. Irene came closer and closer to Erza and even pointed the sword's blade to her.
Irene also urged Erza to just surrender.

Suddenly, Erza would smile to Irene and this makes Irene would not feel so good about it. Erza's smile really reminded her after Irene gave birth to Erza. For her, that's her relief after 400 years of pain and suffering. Because of Erza's first smile since she was a baby, Irene started to hate her and she really tried so hard to do the best for Erza but her smile really traumatizing her.

Irene angrily told Erza to stop smiling and started impale Erza with the blade. But still, I really trust Erza so much that she would never surrender to Irene. She then headbutt Irene and she fell on the ground as she did that.

Author's note: *Alright this part might not be getting sensitive for this. If you don't want to read this part, you can skip this part because this part is so serious to me. TW: Suicide & Death ⚠️*

Erza was looking for her sword but it's on Irene's hand. I would expect that she would do something to herself.  She then started to attempt S**c*de on her. I lost my words and shocked after she did that. She had to do that because she couldn't kill her daughter.

She then fell on the ground. I asked her why she did that. "Why? Why you have to do this on yourself?"

"You know....there might be a reason why I have to do this," Irene started to tell the truth to us. Irene explained to her that she couldn't enchant her own daughter and Erza was so new to this new world. Irene decided herself to throw Erza before she changed her mind.

"Natsumi, I know I was so wrong for this. If Scarneel is still alive, she would be disappointed for my merciless action. You're also too good for this, better than me. I actually don't deserve to become a queen as I was being a merciless. I also trust you since your mom is my best friend." Irene said it to me and she realized it of her fault that she did.

"Natsumi, I also wanted to pass the Queen of Dragons to you. You deserve this title because of your bravery and kindness to your friends. Your mother would be proud to see you today and I hope I would forgive her after I die," Irene suddenly passed the title Queen of Dragons to me. Actually, I don't want that title but hearing that Mama would proud see me become stronger than her makes me burst my tears.

"I forgive you with all my heart. You don't deserve the pain and suffering that you got. You deserve the happiness you want but not the way you do right now. No hate but I understand that your life was so bitter and it's hard to heal your tragic past. Just be kind to others no matter to humans or even dragons," I adviced to her so she would regret on what she did.

"Also, thanks for the Enchantment Magic that you created. I hope I would learn the Enchantment Magic for you in the other time. My Mama might be so happy that she learned Enchantment Magic from you," I also thanked to her for creating the Enchantment Magic which makes me stronger than ever.

After hearing my words, Irene began to smile to me and she was so pleased to hear my advice. "I understand, you're so kind to me,"

"That smile reminded me...that I always love you..." she the collapsed on the ground and her last words makes me feel sympathize about her pain and suffering.

I hope that Irene would release her burden in the afterlife. Seeing Irene laying dead on the ground makes me feel so sad.

"Erza, are you ok?" I asked her if she's doing well. "Yeah, I'm fine," she answered.

"Natsumi, I can't believe that you would apologize her. You're so good for this. But, why did you apologize our enemy?" she asked me with that question.

"Well, she didn't deserve the pain that she got. She was my mother's best friend and I can't let being hurt even in the afterlife. So, I'll set her free from her suffering. That's how a good friend always do," I answered her question.

Erza then hugged me and said to me, "At least you have kindness in your heart. You also did save us in this battle," I can feel my friendship with Erza just like my mom once did with Irene.

Then, Wendy approached to us to make sure that we're fine. She then asked the question about our condition, so we both said that we're ok. Erza knew Irene didn't deserve the pain but for her, Master is the only her parent that she ever had. Wendy then realized that she was about to asked that question.

She then hugged three of us and she told that she will always be by our side. I realized that Master is gone.

Duncan's POV

Oh no, things are getting bad! As me and Lucy were watching for Natsu, his body temperature went deteriorating rapidly. He's dying and I have to get to Natsumi as I asked Poryusica's permission to find her.

I keep running until I can see Natsumi, Erza and Wendy. "Natsumi!!" I called her name while I was running to get her. "Duncan?" she heard me and she instantly hugged me.

"Are you alright?" I asked her if she's ok. "Yeah, I'm fine" she answered.

"Nat, I have a really bad news. Your brother is dying. His body temperature went deteriorating rapidly. He went to critical condition." I informed to her about Natsu's condition. Nat instantly shocked after heard that news, and so Erza and Wendy.

"I can't let that happen, my brother must stay with me," she gets up while her body started to become weak. "No Nat, listen to me. You have no energy after that battle," I tried to advice her but she didn't want to hear and only want to get Natsu.

"Duncan, I don't feel so good to me. What's happening to me? I...." Natsumi suddenly collapsed on the ground and unconscious in sudden.

"Natsumi!!!!" Erza, Wendy and me calling her name but no response. I put my head on her chest to check her heartbeat. "There's no heartbeat on her,"

"Come on, Natsumi. Stay with us. You're gonna be ok," I convinced that she would stay with us. Her face started to turn pale.

Natsumi's POV

I don't understand what's going on with me. As I got to Duncan, my body is getting weaker. I then collapsed on the ground. I would only heard Erza, Wendy and Duncan call my name. Their voices are getting fading from my ear




My vision started to become blurry. Then, the darkness took over me.

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