⁰⁵: hungover

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Realistically, Minghao shouldn't remember anything that happened at Jeonghan's stupid party.

He shouldn't have to remember all the stupid things he said to every single god-like man in that room.

Now he had to face the consequences of what he'd said and done as well as deal with a splitting hangover headache... champagne really wasn't the best type of beverage to get yourself wasted on.

What had he said to Hansol about champagne again? "We could be like... drinking champagne down an alleyway like Her Royal Highness Taylor Alison Swift said in the best song ever."

Or something just as embarrassing as that.

Not only could he not keep his thoughts to himself when it came to his actual crush, he was now pathetically hitting on his own competition.

At least he thankfully did not remember Hansol's response, most likely because the next thing he recalls is strolling over to go sit on Jisoo's lap - meaning the poor guy probably didn't even get a chance to reply.

Why do you do this to yourself you absolute idiot.

After lying in bed for quite some time, the pulsating pressure from his headache was simply too unbearable to just lie there and ignore, so Minghao decided to finally open his eyes and face the morning.

After realizing too quickly he was not in his own room, nor his own apartment, he promptly fell on his... derrière on the soft carpet beside whoever's bed he had been sleeping in.

What scared him more than waking up in a foreign place was the fact that it didn't look like any of the rooms in Jeonghan's house either.

So where was he??

"Oh! You're up! Please, stay in bed I'll bring you some hangover soup."

Oh. I know that voice... where do I know that voice from... hold on it's someone from the group chat...


Before the poor hungover individual could even process anything in time to properly freak out, his questions were answered and he almost choked on his own spit at the sight of Kwon Soonyoung in loosely fitting clothes entering the room, a small bowl of soup supported gently by his tiny hands.

Minghao wanted to marry him on the spot.


Instead, he pulled himself together enough to croak out an awkward, "Why am I here?" to which Soonyoung coughed uncomfortably for a second, before deciding to respond.

"Well... you were just so drunk, and so was everyone else and I don't really like to drink that much because I like to watch out for everyone... and you said that you didn't want to go back to your apartment and be alone and so I just brought you here without a second thought..."


Minghao almost screamed at the thoughts he was having. He should be outraged that this man who was essentially still a stranger to him took him to his house... but all he could think of was how sweet it must've been and whether Soonyoung tucked him into bed.

"What did I even say last night?" He enquired suddenly, needing to fill in a blank part of the night he had stumbled across.

"To me? You said "I know it's only been a week since that group chat was created but maybe Jun will love me more if I become
an ✨accountant✨".

"I said it as if it had sparkly emojis around it?!" He cried out, to which Soonyoung replied with,

"Indeed, with matching jazz hands and a couple tears too."

The latter could have jumped off a cliff at the confirmation.

Soonyoung seemed to understand this trivial anguish though, and before the other could process what was happening, he was being enveloped in a fierce hug; that although lasted a mere second or two, seemed to warm his entire soul.

Um... what the fuck was that.

"You're surprised. Sorry, I just hugged you without thinking. I should have asked you first."

"Why did you?"

"You were upset. I wanted to fix it." The other replied as if it were something as obvious as the sky is blue.


He cared about me.

For a split second, someone cared.

But that was ridiculous to fawn over, so Minghao sternly reminded himself that Soonyoung was just a nice person and it didn't mean he was special.

"Do you need to sleep a little more? You can stay as long as you'd like... I get lonely now that Chan doesn't need to stay over anymore."

And for a mere millisecond, Minghao thought he might have seen his own lonely reflection in the bright, warm eyes of the man in front of him.

But really, that's absurd.

And so, he awkwardly bid Soonyoung goodbye and found his way back to his own apartment.

Turning the keys clumsily in the lock, he burst rather obnoxiously through the weathered wooden door to the tiny little studio apartment he called home.

In the opinion of most, it would much better suit the name of "bedazzled attic", but Minghao liked to pretend he was a lot richer than he was.

So it was his apartment.

As he spent the rest of the afternoon sighing heavily to himself, he realized he had begun to paint a portrait of Soonyoung on one of the million canvases that lay around his apartment.

Most had beautifully intricate designs and scenery of all sorts painted upon them by their lonely owner, but he always made sure he had enough blank ones scattered in the mix.

He always seemed to paint his best works when his mind was entirely elsewhere.

Minghao opened his phone tentatively for the first time that day, and discovered the group chat to be entirely dead - a first for all of them.

He figured everyone except Soonyoung would be in the same sort of hungover state as he himself was, so he wasn't about to break the peace.


The flustered artist began to type out a hasty thank you message to him, but erased the entire thing after seeing he was online.

Maybe all the confusion he felt today was simply the effects of a severe hangover.

And so he left it.



wow i haven't updated smth this close together in a while (i hate that i haven't been writing so this actually feels nice even if it's just trivial shit that i'm writing abt hahah)

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