⁷³: how long?

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So, where was Choi Seungcheol during the whole fiasco, you may wonder?

He had found himself far too overwhelmed with the loud and obnoxious crowds of strangers that just kept multiplying, so he decided to sneak into one of the guest rooms to have some peace and quiet.

Little did he know, somebody else had the same idea.

When Seungcheol opened the first door on the left and closed it behind him, he wasn't expecting anybody to be inside the room.

He certainly wasn't expecting a pair of very familiar people.


Under the sheets.

He didn't dare to look farther than that, immediately covering his eyes when he heard a gasp, and muttering "sorry" over and over as fast as his mouth would allow him to.

"...Cheol it's okay, honey. You just gave us a fright."

"You two gave me a fright. I thought you'd just sorted out your differences recently but this..." He finally managed to say, before cringing inwardly at the idiocy of his response.

"We didn't know how to tell you guys."

Seungcheol's heart did an unhappy flip after a sudden realisation.

"Wait... is this not... aren't you cheating on them?  I'm... will you expect me to keep this secret?! Because I'm sorry I don't care who you are to me I will never condone-"

"Hey. Let me explain."

The eldest of the three fell silent.

"To put it simply, everybody in this relationship wishes that the thirteen of us would just date each other. We know it's big and quite certainly an impossible dream, and we don't want to make anybody in the group uncomfortable, so we left that part out when we brought our relationship into the light. Also because it's rather awkward trying to phrase yeah we're all obsessed with you and think you're all insanely hot in a way that's not... uh... anyway, I promise this is consensual and I'm not cheating. And of course, they know about it. Just... nobody else did before you saw us just now."

"Oh. Well that's okay then, I guess."

Seungcheol turned to leave, unsure of why his cheeks suddenly seemed much hotter than before.

Maybe it was because an attractive man had confided that himself and several other attractive men found him attractive.

It was hard not to blush.

"Leaving already?" Jisoo finally spoke, shocking the elder slightly with his tone.

"Why on earth would you want me to stay? I just walked in on you guys are you not..."

"Well I mean, it was bound to happen at some point and I'm glad it was you who found out first."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Jisoo smirked ever so slightly, pressing a chaste kiss to the forehead of the man next to him, before rolling away slightly to the other side of the bed.

"I've always wanted a third, if you're game." Was all he said quietly, a challenging tone in his voice.

Suddenly, a part of the sheet was lifted and held out to Seungcheol, like some sort of offering.

As if in a dream, he took hold of the sheet absentmindedly and gave the man underneath it a look of questioning.

If you want to do it, nobody's stopping you, his eyes seemed to say.

Seungcheol thought about Seokmin.

Then he thought about how Seokmin liked Jihoon.

Maybe this was an opportunity to get out of their way.

Drawing a long, shaky breath, he peeled back the sheet.

Yoon Jeonghan lay there in all his naked glory.

Seungcheol couldn't look away if he tried.

In his haze, the only thing he remembered was locking the door, the way Jisoo's hands felt in his hair and melodies Jeonghan's vocal cords provided him.

Indeed, it was a blessing in disguise no further interruptions occurred that night.



(i feel awkward about what i just wrote and i don't know what to comment LMAO)

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