⁶⁰: love is never logical

341 18 11


Hong Jisoo was panicking.

Hansol had put the twelve of them through many unpleasant experiences during the last few hours, but he hadn't quite expected this to be one of them.

Standing next to him was an angry Yoon Jeonghan in a very small tent.

The obstacle preventing him from escaping said angry Yoon Jeonghan?

The zipper.

As it turns out, it's fucking cold in late November.

It's winter.

Sometimes it even fucking snows.

Jisoo had gone back to his tent to look for an extra scarf to wrap around his already suffocated person, meanwhile the fuming idiot beside him had "stumbled into the wrong tent in the dark".

And then zipped up the door of said tent behind him, to freeze shut.

"One of us is gonna have to tell the others they won't be able to get in here."

"You do it."

Jisoo was reluctant to heed his demand, yet the tone of voice Jeonghan used made it far too difficult to be stubborn.

"I've texted the chat to say we're stuck in here for the night and we'll see them tomorrow morning."


The two men sat in silence for an awkwardly long time; to the extent that Jeonghan's anger began to rapidly subside until he couldn't bite back the statement that burned at the front of his mind.



"There's only one bed."


Jisoo wanted to scream, cry, run away or all of the above all at once.

"How can you tell there's only one? I can barely see anything in here and I don't know where the torches went."

"It's your tent, is it not? Who were you sharing with?"

"Seokmin... who said he didn't care if we shared because it would be like back at my place when I was drunk and he was caring for me by my bedside..."

The younger's entire posture deflated slightly as he realized that they indeed only had one bed between them.

And it was snowing outside.

"We don't have to make this awkward. It's been a long time since then, we've both grown. We can be mature adults about this."

"That's easy for you to say after you acted like a dick to me the second we crossed paths again."

Though they were halfhearted words mumbled under his breath, Jeonghan still felt the frustration in Jisoo's voice and he wasn't sure how to feel about it.

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