⁹²: you're so gay

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Kim Mingyu was irritated.

Not only had he been shoved into the lockers by delinquent gangs of crusty, illiterate teenage males - he had also had to clean up vomit in four different areas of the school.

How four separate vomiting incidents could occur at a high school in one singular day was beyond his comprehension and quite frankly, his last straw.

When the day finally came to a close, he trudged over to his car; the only thoughts in his head were those of warm showers, hot cocoa and hopefully a cuddling session with whoever was on Junhui's couch.

Over the last month or so since everybody had decided to join in on the polyamory, Junhui's once quiet mansion had soon become a sort of meeting point for them all.

Said owner always complained that he missed the peace, but Mingyu knew he was far less lonelier than being in that massive house all by himself and secretly enjoyed when his boyfriends would stay over like it was their second home.

Thus, one very tired janitor found himself smiling gently as he waited at the traffic lights, thinking fondly of coming home to a nice shower and his favorite people in the whole wide world.

"I'm home!" He finally made it through the door, his entire body sagging slightly as he finally relaxed a little.


He wondered - slightly disappointed - whether they were all out and if he would have to busy himself in the kitchen until somebody came to keep him company.

This thought didn't last long, as when he wandered down a long hallway he suddenly heard the faintest noise coming from the media room.

Oh! They probably didn't hear me call from the front because Junhui's house is so huge, he thought to himself amusedly.

A sudden strange sound stopped him from opening the door and bursting in as his eyebrows raised slightly.

He pried the door open a fraction in order to see better - not that his carefulness mattered anyway, as the individuals inside were far too busy with... each other.

"Wow guys, without me?" He finally spoke in mock disappointment as his two boyfriends sprang apart in surprise.

"Gyu! You scared the absolute shit out of me you moron! How was work?"

"Exhausting. I don't even wanna get into it. I was actually about to clean myself up, I just have one thing to tell you before I make a beeline to the nearest shower."


"You're so gay."

Mingyu giggled as he left the room.

Jisoo and Seokmin rolled their eyes in unison and went back to making out.



don't @ me if the spacings weird rn i've lost my phone again for no reason so i'm trying to make do... i'll have to fix any weird formatting when i get it back

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