³⁹: jihoon sweetie...

383 20 14


Meanwhile, Jihoon couldn't hold back the burning desire that tormented his throat as he forced himself not to blurt everything out at once.

There really was no good way to phrase it, especially when Seungkwan was also in the car and vehemently disagreed the whole situation was as serious as Jihoon thought it was.

Wonwoo, your boyfriend is cheating on you.

Wonwoo, at Junhui's party I...

Have you noticed Mingyu and Jeonghan seem really close lately?

Again, there was no nice way to ease into such a subject, so the man fretted appropriately - as anyone in his situation would.

Seungkwan nudged him from where he sat beside him in the backseat, flashing him a warning look.

Unfortunately, this only made the latter more determined to solve such injustice, so he decided to speak at last.



He ignored the frantic movements of the man beside him as he continued.

"I wasn't sure how to... how to say this or how to bring this up with you but... I can't stay quiet anymore... I think Mingyu is cheating on- no, I saw him cheat with my own two eyes."

He broke off abruptly at the reaction the man in the driver's seat had to this news as he continued to calmly cruise behind Jeonghan's car.

Wonwoo was laughing?

"Jihoon, sweetie. You've misunderstood."

"I told you, idiot." Seungkwan hissed from beside him, loud enough for Wonwoo to hear to which he responded by sighing slightly in amusement.

Jihoon however, was utterly bewildered by the man's lack of reaction.

"He made out with Jeonghan in Junhui's kitchen! How could I have confused anything?"

"I know he did. I also made out with Jeonghan in that kitchen."

"You? But you were with Minghao..."

"Yes, I was. And then Minghao made out with Jeonghan in that kitchen, while Mingyu and I made out just outside the doors. Are you following me?"

"Was it some sort of dare? 'How many people can Jeonghan kiss in one night?' or something stupid?"

"Well, you'd have to count me in on that list if that's so." A timid, yet pleased comment sounded from beside Jihoon.


Seungkwan smiled slightly, unfazed at the information he'd long ago guessed at.

"Jihoon honey, they're in a polyamorous relationship. Y'know how the group was just talking about that the other day?"

"You weren't even there for that conversation how could you have seen-"

"Oh no I was there. I'm always there. I just decided not to say anything."


Wonwoo quickly hijacked the backseat banter, speaking urgently "But Jihoon," as said man went to fire a rather creeped out response toward Seungkwan.


"Please, keep this a secret. Both of you. You're the first people outside of our polyamory to know - Han and Hao wished it would be kept secret and I really want to try and fulfil that promise for as long as I can."

"Yeah of course, I wouldn't tell anyone I'm not stupid. I just... that's a lot to process."

"How did you know?" Seungkwan asked suddenly, causing Wonwoo to hesitate a little at the question.

"Um... okay well... just... don't freak out but... mingyuandiconfessedtoeachotheronenightthateveryoneinthegroupchatishotandwewouldntminddatingorhookingupwithanyofyouandthenwemadeapactthatifeitherofuswantedtobeinvolvedwithanyonefromthegroupitwouldntbecheatingatall."

"Did you... was that English?" Jihoon gaped at the word vomit flung into the backseat.

"So you think I'm hot?" Seungkwan replied slyly, drastically different to the man beside him.

"Shut up." Wonwoo mumbled, his ears flushing a delicate shade of pink as he pulled into Jeonghan's driveway.

"You'll tell the others right? That we know."

"Yes, of course. I'm dating Gyu and Han and while I'm not dating Hao just yet, he's still Han's boyfriend so there is nothing I'd keep from any of them."

"So you really basically have two-ish boyfriends? That's kinda cool."

The taller laughed in response to Jihoon's unfiltered, slightly sugar-rush induced comment.

"Thanks, Ji."

"Let's get inside then, shall we?" Seungkwan prompted, his eyes shining happily at the knowledge that yet again - he had been correct.

And Jihoon began to think.

He began to think a lot.



if there was ever a "don't update at 12-3am" challenge on this silly lil orange app i would fail so so hard i would come DEAD LAST

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