⁷¹: how you get the boy

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[private chat : kwontiger, haodareyou]

i've thought about things and...


i want to date you.
and if you come as a package deal then i want to try my hardest to make it work.

oh my...
are you being serious rn?!


soonie :(
you're so sweet
this makes me so happy :(

i'm glad then :)
though i can't lie im kinda terrified
i never really thought about polyamory before now

well, that's okay! we can work something out!
i'm going to wonwoo's place tonight... would you like to join us?

i mean sure but it's a tad sudden do you think he'd mind me barging in?

babe all of my bfs are literally in love w u already
THEY don't need to warm up to u
u just need to warm up to them which is perfectly okay and make sure not to rush urself okay? <3

what abt mingyu and jeonghan?

oh they... they are very... busy let's say 😁

ah got it 😨

soo are you going to be brave?!

...what time am i coming over? 🫣

good answer im proud of u 😋


A very nervous young man stood on the doorstep to Jeon Wonwoo's little townhouse.

He reached out shakily to ring the doorbell.

"OH BABE ITS SOONIE!" A faint shriek sounded from across the house.

Minghao's super energetic tonight, he must be tipsy, Soonyoung thought to himself amusedly.

A few seconds later there was the sound of rapid footsteps as the door was ceremoniously flung open. A small body lurched towards him and he hurriedly wrapped his hands around Minghao's waist, catching him.


Wonwoo leaned against the doorframe, towering slightly over pair.

Has... has his voice always been so deep?

Before Soonyoung could respond, the man winked at him cheekily, before turning to disappear inside the house.

He'd almost forgotten Wonwoo was no longer an innocent little taxi driver.

"No wonder he got the job," he muttered to himself quietly.

Minghao smirked over his shoulder, feigning sudden deafness.

"Coming inside?" He spoke into Soonyoung's ear all of a sudden, the latter finding his face burning up slightly at the instant change of tone.

Ugh, what on earth is up with me right now?

The pair led him over to the couch, where a small selection of snacks was set on the coffee table before them.

"So, because it's an easier, quieter beginning to your polyamorous experience since there's only two out of four of us here right now, we figured we'd get comfortable on the couch and watch a movie? Sound good?"

Soonyoung found his tongue glued to his mouth, only managing to nod dumbly at Minghao's question.

As the latter began to flick through the movie options, his voice finally came back to him and before he could filter himself, the burning question at the forefront of his mind brushed past his lips.

"How... how do you guys know if I'll fit in? What if I can't make this work and I mess it all up?"

Thankfully - though he was very much horrified at his lack of filter - his voice came out rather small and mouse-like and he prayed neither of them had heard it.

But who was he kidding? Wonwoo was seated right next to him on the couch.

"Oh, well that's pretty simple really. You just gotta experiment and figure out what works best for you and eventually you get in a rhythm with the dynamic of everybody else."

"Experiment, how?" Soonyoung couldn't seem to stop himself from asking, turning his head to look into a pair of eyes that suddenly seemed hypnotising.

"Would you like me to show you?"

Once again, as Wonwoo's face got a little closer all he could do was nod wordlessly like an idiot.

Wonwoo connected their lips for a brief second and Soonyoung's eyes widened slightly at the short, yet sweet contact.

"Oh." Was all he managed to say.

"That's a great start." A giggle sounded from in front of the TV and Soonyoung decided today was the day he'd turn into a human beetroot.

He didn't want to bring attention to the fact that a mere peck had made his pants rather tight, but of course - Wonwoo had rather sharp eyesight (with the right glasses, of course).

"Mm, I think you'll fit right in honey. You're gay as hell."

If you asked Soonyoung later that night what movie they ended up watching, he wouldn't be able to tell you.

Ask him about a certain two pairs of lips however?

The answer might be different.



wink wonk

pls tell me somebody understood the chap title reference or i'll sob

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