⁹⁹: tying the final knot

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A very cold dancer with a heart that had finally defrosted, stood shivering outside a small rundown shack.

At least, he thought it was a shack - its structure was rather pitiful and unclear.

Regardless, he stood patiently and waited.

He waited while his fingers became numb and his bones ached and he was shaking so much he thought he might be unable to stand up straight.

All the while, a soft smile adorned his features under the pathetic light of a singular street lamp as he waited.

"Junhui. Come out of the cold."

Finally, the voice he'd been waiting to hear sounded in his ears and he felt his entire body warm up immediately as a younger man took his hand gently in the dark.

"I'll have to guide you, there's no outside lights in here."

And so the artist led the dancer up into the dark, painstakingly silent as one focused on not running away and the other focusing on not running into any walls.

Finally, a hand felt over the familiar bumps and scratches on the wooden door to his bedazzled attic - ahem, apartment - and took a deep, calculating breath before opening it and bringing Junhui inside.

The artist went to drop the hand still encasing his, but the latter refused to let go, instead holding him tighter as his eyes roamed the interior for the first time.

Among portraits of many people, some as familiar as family and others strangers, a common denominator was found.

In all sorts of hues, textures and circumstances, Junhui found his face staring back at him in almost every direction.

"Hao... they're beautiful."

"You don't care that I live in an attic?"

"Honey I didn't even notice it. There's so much beauty in the way you've made this a home that I can't find a single fault, regardless of however small it is in here."

"You mean that?"

"Every word. I'm sorry, Hao. I'm really sorry. There are so many things I should've said sooner, but I want to try my best to be honest now."

"Y'know... that's all I needed to hear." The artist began to choke up, speaking the last few words through tears and Junhui's expression softened.

"Let me take care of you now. For too long, you've been on the outside of everyone as you waited for me. I'm sorry I made you wait so long. I'm here now." He spoke gently as he tugged on their still intertwined hands, pulling Minghao into his warm embrace.

Five seconds later, a pair of glassy eyes stared back into his own and he knew he was forgiven; deservedly or not - he was forgiven.

In a moment of gratitude, he brought his hands up to caress the younger's cheeks, before pressing the lightest of kisses to his lips.

"I love you. I will always love you."

Minghao simply pulled him in again, using his body to convey the words he couldn't say.

I love you too.



we have 1 chap left people

lowkey emotional likeee wtf i actually made it to the end

didn't think it was possible but here we are

not updating this book is gna feel so weird tbh sdsklhjs

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