¹⁹: slumber party

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Jeonghan walked with a slight shake in his step, though he couldn't figure out why.

It wasn't like he was inexperienced.

His college self certainly knew how to party, not to mention his many hookups, one night stands, casual flings.

And his first and only committed partner, but he didn't want to think about him for any longer than he had to.

The man was... nervous?

Nervous didn't seem to fit right in his mind, but what could the whirling, gnawing sensation in his stomach be if not nerves?

He hadn't the time to dive deeper into his current mental state, as he finally stood outside the door to Mingyu's apartment.

"You made it."

Mingyu smiled softly at him the second he opened the door and Jeonghan instantly relaxed.

He trusted them, at least he could say that.

Although he couldn't lie and say he wasn't terrified he would somehow do something to mess up; the question of whether they had many expectations of him was currently plaguing his mind.

"Let's get comfy."

Mingyu led the way down the hallway, to where Wonwoo was already sprawled across the sofa, that also folded out into a queen sized bed.


Jeonghan couldn't ignore the way the couple were looking at him, invitingly yet with a slight excitement in their eyes.

He could no longer say he was very brave.

But he wanted this.

Wanted him.

Although, the more Mingyu spoke in that slightly husky tone of his, the more Jeonghan realized how much he hadn't payed attention to the younger boy.

While Wonwoo was fair skinned with sleek black hair and inquisitive, cat-like eyes that shone with every beam of light they met, Mingyu was equally as gorgeous.

Smooth, buttery tanned skin with warm eyes and a smile that made one want to melt; Jeonghan began to passively wonder if his hair was as soft as it looked.

"Staring already, hm?"

He blushed slightly in embarrassment as he realized Wonwoo had just seen him shamelessly checking his boyfriend out.

"Can't help it, I guess." He joked, thanking his lucky stars that his nerves at least didn't seem to show as much through his voice.

"Now, before anything happens we wanted to talk to you about setting some boundaries, so we don't accidentally make each other uncomfortable."

Wonwoo motioned for Mingyu to sit next to him, while Jeonghan took the initiative to sit himself down in front of the couple.

"We want you to know that this is entirely consensual on our part and anything that happens between you and either of us is perfectly okay, so don't feel like you need to hold back. Our only request is that you're vocal if something happens that you don't enjoy, because we want to make sure you feel safe here. And if this ends up being a one time thing, we won't be offended at all."

Jeonghan found that all he could do was nod, his adam's apple bobbing slightly as he silently cleared his throat.

"Are you nervous?"

"Maybe." He mumbled, watching as Mingyu's hand reached out to rest on his arm ever so gently. 

"Don't be scared, hm?. This is a first for us too."

"You let us know if you want to stop, okay?"

Jeonghan nodded again, blushing at the attention they were giving him.

"Just going to ask one more time, you're consenting?"

"Yes." He breathed out very quietly.

Before he could wonder about how they would start, Mingyu's hand suddenly rose to cup his jaw and he was pressing his lips upon his own.

So soft, was all Jeonghan could think as he was kissed sweetly and slowly.

As quickly as he had leaned in, Mingyu pulled back again only to be replaced by Wonwoo almost immediately.


Kissing Wonwoo was everything Jeonghan had dreamed of and more.

And then Wonwoo was pulling away to press a long, loving kiss to Mingyu's lips as his hands roamed along the waistband of Jeonghan's pants.

"Let us take care of you, hm?"

Lost in a haze, Jeonghan hummed happily.

Maybe this would be even nicer than he'd imagined.



i am the worlds best "i'll leave it to your imagination"-er to ever exist

anyways i didn't know what to write but i couldn't let u starve so just daydream abt what happened after that ig 😻

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