⁸⁴: strip-trivia ft. soju

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"Remind me who the actual fuck thought this would be a good idea?"

"You're just saying that because your nipples are cold. Maybe don't be stupid next time."

Thirteen men sat in a circle on the hardwood floor of Junhui's borderline mansion, surrounded by empty soju bottles and scattered piles of cards.

"Guy who invented gravity."


"Soonyoung, sweetie... give up. You've said that for at least the last fifteen rounds."

Trivia is a hard game at the best of times, but naturally the group had decided to attempt drunken trivia with a strip penalty.

Jisoo, one of the most drunk candidates, currently hugged his tanned, lean frame as he shivered slightly.

The poor man had been reduced to only his boxers due to his long list of wrong answers and was thus refusing to answer any more questions; opting instead for complaining every five seconds.

"Come here then, you big wuss."

Finally, somebody was offering to put him out of his misery - he crawled into the warmth of Seokmin's arms with utmost delight.


"...His name was Newton, but if you give me a kiss I'll let it slide."

With a slight rolling of eyes, Chan hastily pecked Jihoon's lips before snatching his - rightfully earned in his humble opinion - trivia success card.

"Who has the most cards right now?" Seungcheol asked from behind Wonwoo, who had long since placed himself in the elder's lap like a cat, despite being not much smaller than him.

"Jeonghan... but I'm not really sure how that happened, he's lost at least half his clothes."

"Don't question it Hansol, don't question it." The aforementioned grinned like some sort of Cheshire cat.

"Hold up... since when did Minghao leave the room?"

"Don't panic Junnie, he just went to the bathroom." Came Seokmin's instant response.

"He requires Seungkwan to go to the bathroom, does he?"

Several of the intoxicated men raised their eyebrows with a knowing smirk.

"God, when will my guest rooms see the light..."

"Definitely not any time soon while I'm at your place babe."

Another eyebrow raised, this time belonging to the owner of said place as he noted Mingyu's flirtatious connotations.

"If you win the game, I'll join you." He ended up responding, to which the younger man decided suddenly with conviction that he would in fact win trivia.

"You're pitting him against Jeonghan and asking him to succeed? Harsh, I've gotta say." Wonwoo commented from Seungcheol's lap, his hands busy untangling several mysterious knots in Soonyoung's hair.

"Well, I never said Mingyu had to win. Whoever wins can join me in the guest rooms, so it's fair game really."

"Sorry Gyu, I was going to let you win until he said that. Now I'm thinking I'd very much like to take up that offer myself."

"We're backkk!" A voice slurred loudly as its owner rounded the corner, gripping Seungkwan's hand in order to stay upright.

"I can't tell if he's limping or if he's wasted."

"Oh, both." Seungkwan confirmed, a proud smirk adorning his features.

"So am I reading the next question, or what?"


Soonyoung did not in fact answer the question.

The only achievement from the poor man that night was successfully distracting everybody else when eventually everything had to disappear.



nobody's beating yoon jeonghan in a game of anything if we're honest likeee

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