²⁷: your secret is safe with me

394 21 4


Minghao felt strange.

As if - although he was walking entirely alone - somebody was breathing directly down the back of his neck.

He felt that he was being followed.

After dropping off Soonyoung to his apartment, Minghao knew he couldn't stay this time.

Not when he couldn't guarantee that Soonyoung would be in his right mind any time soon - the man had tried to kiss him at least a dozen times on their slow journey home.

If he were sober, perhaps the younger would've given in.

But he couldn't bring himself to, though the elder had whined miserably, because it just wasn't right.

As the artist began to climb the stairs to his bedazzled attic 'apartment', he could no longer ignore that sinking feeling in his gut.

Somebody else's footsteps resonated in the empty stairwell; stopping abruptly when they heard Minghao halt.

"Who's there?"

Although scared shitless, his voice still managed to sound somewhat confident - at that he was slightly proud.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."


A slightly bent figure came into view as he shuffled up the stairs, closing the distance between them with a few wobbly steps.

"I'm sorry. I didn't... I couldn't be..."

"Hey, it's okay."

But it wasn't.

Minghao was freaking out on the inside.

How could he play it off, so that Chan didn't have to see the place he lived in? Although... he had followed him far enough already to probably gage his situation.

"If you're embarrassed about your flat, don't be."

At that, Minghao was sufficiently startled out of his thoughts, failing to control his face that naturally gave everything away.

"It's just... it's not what I want to present as part of me." He answered honestly, figuring that it couldn't hurt as much considering Chan was far from sober.

"Do you... do you mind if I come in?"

Minghao was sure he did mind and yet he found himself unlocking the door in the same breath.

"Come in Chan, I've got you."

A few seconds later, while Chan shamelessly ogled at the hundreds of exquisite little paintings that covered the attic, Minghao audibly gasped as he unlocked his phone.

"Chan! They're all looking for you idiot, they're worried sick!"

"Are you sure?" Came his response, still as sassy as ever even when he could hardly stand upright.

"Yes I'm sure you moron, you've scared the shit out of Seungkwan!"

"Oh who gives a damn about that meddlesome snake anyway?"

The elder of the two sighed.

"What's gotten into you? Why did you follow me and leave without letting anyone else know?"

"I got jealous."

Well, Minghao certainly hadn't expected such a straightforward response.

"Over... what?"

"Why does he have to talk about his ex all the time like he's still got feelings for him?"





Yet before he could use the opportunity to interrogate the younger any further, Chan suddenly keeled over without a word and fell into a deep slumber.

The next morning when Minghao woke up, only a sticky note remained.

Thank you for everything.
I'm sorry for invading your home, it's very cosy in here. I like it a lot.
I won't tell the others.
Your secret is safe with me.

Bearing a heart filled with apprehension, the elder sincerely hoped he would stay true to his word.



did any of you watch svt's concert stream on youtube??

it's still going rn but sadly i had to stop watching halfway through in-complete because of how late it is :(

one day i WILL see rock, lie again and fast pace live and the world better watch out when i do bc i'm not gna stfu about it EVER

gn <3

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