Chapter 3

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the third chapter of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to Neko (Arcaniel). Check out his 'The End of All stories' its really good :)

--> That looks of stunning Ethan ;)

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Ethan's POV

The uniform

After taking our foods, Jacob, Xander and I went back to our table. Jane was teasing Sarah about something while Luke was watching them amusedly but they stop as soon as they saw us heading back. I looked at them suspiciously and figuring what they were talking about. I got some idea in my head what it was but I pushed it away that annoying thought. Better that subject not it be because I had enough of him today.

Setting down Sarah's food I sat down beside her as she mumbled thanks. Everyone started eating and talk occasionally. I was not really that person who speaks much but not that quiet either. Observing and being reserve I must say. I wouldn't mind talking to anyone or joining their group. Everyone else knows I'm open and friendly.

I looked around the table and Jane was talking on Luke about some tv programs. Luke tugged Xander's arm and asked for help as he argue whose better character on that show. Xander raised his eyebrow looking at him amusedly as Luke pouted his lips like a kid.

"You'll come in our house after school?" Sarah asked on my side so I turned my attention at her.

"We have soccer practice later" I replied giving her apologetic eyes.

"Okay. I'm gonna hang out with Jane and Luke I guess" She said and smiled weakly.

"Don't worry, I might stay a bit with Xander in your house after practice. I'll text you 'kay?" I told her taking her hand which was resting on the table. Her face lit up and nodded.

There was a sudden loud burst of laughter that caught everyone's attention in the cafeteria. Our head snapped toward the direction of that irritating noise. Adam was laughing so hard while clutching his stomach to what Jeff, the clown in our team, who was telling something animatedly.

I can't believe everyone on their table was very relaxed already around that piece of shit. We turned our attention back and finish our lunch. The bell rang after few minutes and we took care of our trash. I bid my bye on Sarah and kissed her as we parted away.

Heading to my locker, I took out everything I need for next subjects then went to my next period. The time passed like a blur and the final bell rang informing the end of school. Everyone hurried out the rooms and packed out in the hallway.

On my way, a girl bumped on someone that made the other girl dropped her things on the floor. The rude girl just proceeded without bothering to say sorry. I shook my head in displease. So much for attitude. I crutched down and picked quickly all the books and papers on the floor then gave it to her.

"Thank you Ethan" the girl said shyly in red face.

"You're welcome" I smiled and leave in hurry.

After getting out of the crowd and putting my things in my locker back I made my way to the ground floor where's the boys PE room was. I passed the doors on my right side that leads to the pool area, then finally I pushed open the door on left with Boys Locker room written on the top. There's double door exit inside connecting us directly to the field.

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