Chapter 27

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the 27th chapter of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to Kat (jffhhdghd). Thanks for the messages which encourage me to finish this even I felt discontinuing because of  my tight schedule. 

---> That's Pietro Boselli. Comment below if you recognize him or that name rings a bell.

DON'T forget to Vote, Comment, Fan and Share :) Enjoy!



Ethan's POV

The Person who sat next to me

The surroundings passed like a blur in a raging whirlwind. Everything feels like it wasn't registering in my mind because there's lot been going in my head and there's no place for me to care. My vision was storming cloudy yet I kept driving. I've been driving for God knows how long and that album continue to play in my fucking head.

Fighting back my tears, I gripped the steering wheel tighter and glued my eyes on the endless road. I'm not going to cry for that shit. I should've handled it better but that moment when I saw his horrified face, it's all I need to know that I was played by him and I'm just the latest victim like the others in that damn album.

I thought he's just that arrogant, I never knew I was in his game I'll never going to win. Sad to say I assumed there's side of him he rarely show or should I say he did show me once on that rooftop. Perhaps he brought all those other 26 in that place before me. Fucking liar.

My foot hit the gas more, giving no shit about breaking speed limit. I wanted to scream or hit something. I've never been this so mad at any particular event in my life. I don't get angry easily but then I just realized I hit him hard in the face. It felt good but that's not enough for what he had done. My eyes fell on my bruised right knuckle. I can't feel the pain or maybe my body just went numb. My heart especially.

Why I'm feeling this? I fucking hate him to the bones but I hate myself even more for feeling this way. Yeah, I like him I mean liked with d at end, but for some reason I feel more hurt than last time. Way more hurt than Lisa breaking my heart.

Is it because I thought there's something between us before our relationship go deeper? That it never gonna happen even before we begin. That lost hope. Did I dare to hold on it? Fucking no! Fuck it! Fuck him! ARRRGHHH!!!

It's just a pure sexual between us. No attachment, no feelings just physical. I agreed to this so I shouldn't feel this way. So what if I found his dirty secret and found it that way. I shouldn't care. We're not in some kind of relationship.

This is just a phase. This will eventually pass. It's not my loss because somehow I got something. He seduced me and I let him. I'm just confuse and curious. He's there to stir me up and I experimented. I liked it and the conclusions are I might be bi or just him. Done! That's all just it.

I didn't notice I was back to my house until I got out of my car. I went inside quickly and as I passed the living room, Martha was there with Dave.

"Ethan!" Dave screamed joyfully and I cringed slightly at the sound.

"Have you had your lunch Ethan?" Martha asked.

"I'm not in the mood" The words rolled off my tongue harshly than I intended to. I immediately felt bad for them. My feet worked faster as I tried to just go upstairs in my room and then rest.

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