Chapter 18

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 18 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to J_clark. Thanks for voting, commenting and supporting TAOSY :)

---> Wildest dreams of Taylor Swift's new MV. It fits to this chapter perfectly. 

DON'T forget to Vote, Comment, Fan and Share :) Enjoy!



Ethan's POV

The glister effect

My eyes slowly opened, the sight greeted before me was a night stand. Blinking few times, I let my gaze wandered around as the familiar place registered to my brain. The clock sitting on the stand, computer desk in the corner, and the posters resting at the wall. I was back in my room.

Rolling on the other side and looking through the glass wall, the sky was painted with mixed color of red and orange. The time reads 5:30 am in the morning and the dawn was breaking beautifully. Not as beautiful to what I'm feeling right now. I turned to my back and stared at the ceiling. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment as the memories of last last night and yesterday events.

It wasn't that eventful day yesterday. Well, not as eventful the night prior to that which was very intense and—I stopped, exhaled and cleared my head. I don't want to reminisce that particular memory. I just don't feel like recalling every single detail of that night. Let's skipped to that part and jumped yesterday morning.

Yesterday morning, I woke up from loud knocking on the door outside our cabin room. Followed by loud voice of coach telling us to get our ass up in ten. I should have felt cold since it was early in the morning and the rain finally stopped, yet I felt the opposite. It was warm and comfy. Something stirred behind me and mumbled words in my neck then pulled me closer.

I quickly shot up from the bed when realization hit me hard. I winced as the pain localized on my lower back. Adam looked up at me groggily, figuring out what was happening. Then he smirked as his eyes traveled my body. I looked down and my whole face heat up seeing I was covered in hickeys and bruises. I turned around immediately and headed into the bathroom. I stayed there for few minutes contemplating what I'm going to do.

Coach came back yelling at the door that we should be in dining area ASAP or else he would drag us out by himself. I quickly showered and did my morning routine after hearing what coach said. Adam was gone when I exited the bathroom and that made me sighed in relief. I dressed carefully, wearing a jacket with hood to cover my hickeys on my neck.

The whole breakfast was awkward between us. Most likely in my part. I can't believe when my eyes accidentally passed him when someone asked me something. He was proudly wearing a shirt but nothing to cover the kissed marks I gave to him. That shit! I thought we had agreement that no one can know. It was kind of relief when I heard Kian asked him if he scored in one of the hotel staff last night and he just confirmed it with hmm. I was relieved by that but somehow part of me felt something off.

After the breakfast, we immediately leave the hotel. The ride back was surprisingly quiet. Most of us were sleeping the hangover and some were just flowing with the morning mood. The driver dropped us in our homes. We entered our estates and Xander house came into view first so I woke him up to leave. Then followed by our house, I got up and bid byes to my teammates. Before I step out from the bus, my head turned back and my gaze met Adam's piercing one.

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