Chapter 23

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the 23rd chapter of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to ANIMETEDDYBEAR. Thank you for wonderful comments and votes :)

---> Sexy and tempting Adam ;)

DON'T forget to Vote, Comment, Fan and Share :) Enjoy!




Ethan's POV

Bathroom Express

The noise around the cafeteria floated in the room as per usual sound level. I'm not that really fond of noises but going here in McArthur High made me adapt and tolerant on loud environment. Though I can shut off what's going on around me easily and concentrate on my thinking.

Flashes of scenes that happened the other night occupied my mind. That night was fucking amazing. Lately, I noticed myself cursing a lot. I don't usually swear except when I'm extremely angry which never or rarely happen. But perhaps it's because what's going on these past months. I can't help myself from reliving those amazing nights.

Adam turned me into sex addict. All I can think about was fucking him and feeling that amazing tight ass again. I was craving for his touch. I want to devour those tempting lips and kiss him like my life depended on it. I want to lick every flesh he has to offer. I want him to writhe beneath me and chant my name like a prayer. Oh god! See? What he's doing to me.

Maybe I was just deprived and longing for his touch. I haven't seen him yesterday. Though I know why he was absent and need to take a rest. A smirk formed on my lips. He definitely needed it after I fuck his brains out. It'll serve him a purpose not to touch anyone but me.

Turning my head, I glanced in his direction where he was sitting in their table. I saw Sean tried to talk to him but he ignored him and talk to Gabe instead. I grinned at that. Good boy.

Looking at him, I don't know it would be terrible idea. My little one twitched and started to get bigger. Oh shit! Seeing him hot and sexy with his fit tee ran different dirty scenarios in my head. I want him right now. My sexual hormones began to spread like a wildfire into my body causing me to be hot and bothered.

"Hey, you alright babe?" Sarah asked beside me tugging my hand in worry. "You look a little flush" She added and tried to touch my face but I stopped her.

"I'm fine" I assured her. "Umm... Just stomach ache. I need to go to the toilet" I told her and got up.

Everyone in our table glanced at me and I gestured my stomach and they understood. I quickly walked out of the cafeteria and ran upstairs. While heading to the third floor CR, I texted Adam to meet me there. The corridor in the third floor was basically empty since it was lunch and everyone must be down in the cafeteria or outside.

Opening the door, I slipped inside and waited for him. A chuckle passed in my lips thinking this particular room been the sneak area for us. Only few students used this CR, mostly doing dirty works like smoking or something like that. I never thought I would be using this room someday for this purpose. I admit it was good spot for us than the janitor closet or dusty dark stock room.

The door finally opened and I greeted him with bone crashing searing kiss. Pushing his body against the door, my mouth worked hungrily with his. Adam moaned and I gladly took it away. My tongue flicked on his tasty lips and I groaned in delight. Fuck! I miss his taste. It's been only more than 24 hours and I can't control myself. It's like forever.

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