Chapter 31

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 31 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to greentea1356.

---> That's Ethan smile

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Ethan's POV

Someone Sent Me A Message

The loud ringing sound of my alarm clock woke me up early in the morning. Lazily, my hand reached out on the nightstand and hit it off. Rolling on my side, hugged the pillow tightly, after few moments my eyes widened in realization. I looked at the time, shit, I never woken up from alarm clock before. I need to get up now but the cold winter seems preventing me from getting up and the warm bed was holding me back.

Time flew very fast. My confession to Sarah seems only yesterday. Weeks had passed, yet as if nothing really important had happened. When Sarah told me she wanted Adam and I to get back together, I convinced her not to. Believe me it was a tough work, even I had to give 10 reasons why she shouldn't do it but I did manage.

I just felt like I don't have reasons to hope for us to be together. Adam and I are better without each other. He has moved on and so I should too. Though there's no words came from him that he has moved on, but Adam made me feel that. We have our own priorities to focus on, so I guess the school life took the center stage for the time being and I was glad for that.

Even our basketball team ended up in second place during the final season, we ruled the soccer championship with unforgettable goal. Exams here, SAT there, college tours, Christmas play and so on. These things had taken my full attention and away from my break up with Sarah and well, you know.

So when the school ended and the holidays came, everyone was like able to breathe again. Invitations from the party here and there, I did come to one or two parties with my friends before some parted for vacation with their families. And I took the break as opportunity to come clean, when Luke, Jane, Jacob, Xander and others found out Sarah and I aren't together anymore, Sarah told me it's up to me what I should tell them.

I courageously told Xander the truth, he punched me in the face and I took the blow because I understand his hates about cheating. Xander didn't talk to me for couple of weeks but Sarah was there with Jane and Luke, telling me he'll come around and our friendship is stronger than any of this. I apologize for everything and they made me promise not to do that again. They'll cut my balls if I would and I believe them, pretty much.

Well, they were right. Xander and I were cool again before Christmas happened. It was the best gift I could get for me this Christmas. Everything was back to normal. I celebrated the Christmas with my family in European tour. Family date in Paris and New Year's fireworks in London.

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