Chapter 20*

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 20 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to Quillin. I love his stories. Check it out :)

---> That's Ethan and Adam sexy position ;)

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WARNING!!! Code yellow alert (find out what this mean in A/N)

Adam's POV

I Help You Decide

I would be the dumbest person in earth if I didn't notice Ethan was avoiding me at all cost. We haven't spoken any words since that spectacular night which I wouldn't forget in my entire existence. Every detail was imprinted in my very brain that I can't help to go back everytime I wanted to. I treasured it so much since I'm not sure if it would happen again.

He made himself clear he doesn't want any kind of closeness after that night. Ethan said it would never happen again and it's only one time thing for him. It was kind of hilarious since I remembered how he begged me to fuck him harder, go deeper and move faster. We both know he enjoyed every seconds of it and so did I.

Closing my eyes, it was like only yesterday because I can still vividly recalled the sweetness addicting taste of his. How erotic he looked like that time while my wicked mouth devoured his delicious cock. How his teeth caught his bottom lip while I pound him hard. How he moaned loudly and chanted my name while I send him into insanity. Oh god!

My eyes snapped back open realizing I was in the middle of crowded room. I pooped some snack in my mouth and shifted in my seat for comfortable position. Adjusting my tented pants, I keep myself occupied and restricting myself from looking on his direction.

It was constant torture and you have no idea how painful it is to keep my raging beast calm every moment I saw him. I just wanted to taste him, take him and kiss him as if he's my breathing oxygen. Fuck! It was like Ethan gave me a sample taste, taste that hooked me to death, and then I couldn't taste it anymore. That's how I feel, does it make any sense?

"Hey, Bea asked me if you're seeing someone and I told her no. As if those girls gonna stop even if you have one" Gabe said beside me shaking his head.

"Who's Bea?" I muttered uninterestedly and continued munching my lunch.

He gaped at me like I was crazy "That sexy chic who's been bugging me for your number for ages. I believe she mentioned you two have same two classes"

"Tell her I'm not interested and offer her you could fuck her instead if she want" I replied with smirk. Gabe was silent for a sec considering what I said. I was half serious about offering her but it was kind of good to add it up for fun.

"You're not serious aren't you?" He asked and I just burst.

During the lunch, I can feel Ethan's eyes on me but I ignored it though it was like impossible.

I can feel his glare, maybe he was curious why I wasn't going after him. I intended to since I wanna give him space to think it about. As much as I want to pounce on him every minute but I believe that patience is virtue. It's really hard but I needed to do this. Let him do everything he believes he wanted without my interference.

He'll come looking for me but my restriction is getting thinner as the time passed. It's been a week and I don't know if I can still hold back my urges from claiming him again. Damn! With his unavoidable presence especially during practice and time in locker room with half naked Ethan, those things weren't helping me at all.

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