Chapter 1

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the first chapter of TAOSY ^_^ Everyone who followed the story of Lander please welcome the main characters and the new love team in TAOSY J

Note: I will write this story in 2 POVs, even though I want to stick in writing only one main character's POV because I don't like switching POV when it comes to book. Writing in many POVs simply takes away the element of surprise and thrill factor if you knew the other one's point of view. However it depends on the author and story because writing in One or more POVs, or Third person, has different advantages.

This chapter is dedicated to DerreckSanchez. A great friend of mine here who supported my first book all throughout my journey in writing it. Thank you much J And I know he loves Adam so here he is ;)

-> Drop dead gorgeous Adam. Play 'I love it' by Icona pop

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Adam's POV

I stumbled on my Nemeses

Emily's Party

Making my way to the crowd I walked with confidence and power. I can feel the stares that linger on me, mostly from girls that want a piece of my sexy body. This is not new for me. I'm aware that I'm good looking guy, well, let's say I was gifted with world class beauty for men. That's not surprise where I got them since my mom was a model and my dad has the image of young tycoon.

With my piercing stare, some guys back off from the intimidation. I can see the unwelcome vibe they giving off the fact that the star soccer player of their rival school was here. As I entered the living room, the music blasted to my ears. Searching for my friend Gabe who goes in McArthur and invited me here, my eyes settled instead at the sensual sight of cute guy sandwiched between two hot girls.

You must be wondering why I called a guy cute and girls hot as the same time. I found both sex attractive. In short term, I'm bi period. Though I prefer girl than men but I have specific taste for a guy. I'd know it if I see one.

I pushed to the grinding bodies and walked toward the opposite side. My eyes roamed around and the annoyance started to tickle me when I can't find that damn guy. Where the fuck are you? I would look like idiot standing here turning my head side to side as if I was lost puppy. I wouldn't mind if I didn't see him, I can have my own fun. The song changed and everyone turned wild. Hmm... McArthurians know how to party.

Moving to the open door which I assume is the dining room, Gabe emerged with some chick beside him. Relief flooded in me. "Finally, been searching for you forever ugly ass" I said with hint of annoyance and playfulness then punched lightly his shoulder.

"I thought you wouldn't come and decided to crash to some boring Wender's party instead" Gabe teasingly grinned speaking loudly against the blasting music.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. Not bad" looking around "This Emily girl knows how to throw a party"

"By the way, Adam this is Cindy" Gabe turned to his side. I give her a worthy short glance. She flirtatiously smiled and twisted her hair. She's pretty but nothing especial.

You see I'm quite picky when it comes to the girls and guys I've been. I have certain standards for them to meet my attention. Just because I'm bi and good looking doesn't mean I'm man-whore. It's either the guy or girl is popular, jock, pretty hot nerd, cool gamer or the untouched shy one. Anyone who caught my attention or there's something especial in them that the others can't offer.

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