Chapter 33

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 33 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to naviah

---> Adam in his suit & new haircut

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Adam's POV

The Prom

Looking up in the mirror, I examined my appearance. I'm wearing a black blazer with the buttons left open, stylish fit black jeans to balance the casual & formal touch, belt and white gold Bremont watch which was a gift from my grandma a year ago. I had my haircut few days ago, the sides were trimmed and the top was cut into short crop. It gives me more mature look but highlights the harshness of my feature as the same time.

My mouth uncontrollably pulled into wide smile when I remembered the past weeks. Yeah, it has been rough for me but everything I did and sacrificed has paid off. It was hard for me to let Ethan go and give him time to think. They say time will heal the wound in your heart and only the time will tell when to forgive, that was the thought I hold onto when I set aside my feelings for him for the time being.

The holidays break was uneventful for me. It was same as the last year, we went to my grandparents' home to celebrate Christmas and New Year. I stayed there for a week from Christmas to New Year while my mom and dad had to do some business stuff right after Christmas so they left and came back on the day of New Year. I was glad though since I rarely visit my grandparents and I have my cousins to keep me company.

During the days I let Ethan think I already have moved on which is completely ridiculous in my vocabulary because that will never happen, it gave me time for myself also. I learned so many things after the album incident. I learned to be patient, to be giving, and to consider everything in my surrounding. Ethan thought me how to be grateful for what I have and to focus on my education.

Looking back 6 months ago, I'm the guy who breaks hearts without any path to lead on for the future. Ethan made me change for my future. He saved me to be a better person. And I admire him most for that which made me fall in love over and over again.

Convincing my teammates in soccer team to help to do promposal for Ethan was hell lot of thing. It was really hard for me how I'm going to approach the topic since they didn't know about Ethan's part. It was tough work but everyone was willing after explaining to them why I want Ethan. I'm not afraid to be rejected, because I'm doing this for him, for myself and for us. I love him.

When the time comes and we did the promposal in cafeteria, I prepared myself to be rejected and humiliated, but I was more surprised when Ethan choose neither yes nor no. Yet, Ethan's offer made me hopeful and frightened because we both knew, it's not my game to play. Ethan will dominate me in basketball court. And he did, even though I tried everything in my power to win but Ethan is better than me.

All my hope were shattered into pieces. My world crashing down as I walked away. Because losing him is what I'm afraid of. But my prayer somehow was heard because Ethan gave me another chance, a chance for both of us. No hiding, no cheating, and finally official in public. A fresh start for our relationship. And that's the best day of my life, I'm so happy that I can proudly say Ethan is mine.

My cheeks hurt because I've been smiling like an idiot in front of the mirror as I recalled the past events. Fuck! I'm turning into some schoolgirl whose inlove to her crush. Well, I don't' care since Ethan made feel that way. Speaking of him, God! I miss him already. It's been what? 3 hours last time I saw him and 20 minutes ago our last text conversation. Shit! I can't get enough of him. I'm Ethanatics.

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