Chapter 8

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 8 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to MissCris. I love her works especially the Cowboy Temptation :)

—> Super Hot Adam with his bike ;) Play Locked out in Heaven by Bruno Mars.

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Ethan's POV

Seduction Begins

All the way home, my mind kept drifting back to the scene just happened in the school's shower room few minutes ago. My head swirled with conflicting emotions. I don't know if I should be disgusted, disturbed or worried about it. I mean, Adam? Has a thing for me? I'm not sure if he's joking or not. Come on, last time I check we're enemies and rivals. We should always compete and show whose better between us.

Some part of me was troubled or worried to know Adam likes me. But when he told me last time in same place that I'm not his type, I just snapped from that statement because I felt insulted and my ego was hurt. It's like he said I'm not good enough for him. It was contrary to what everyone feels. Everybody likes me. I'm sporty, I'm good in academic, friendly, I have my charms, and respected reputation. I'm good looking, I work to achieve nice body and I own a Lambo. What could he ask for more?

Yet when he admitted that he wants me out of blue, I suddenly don't like the idea. Well, it was flattering to hear from admirers however to hear from the person I loathe the most, it was another story. The moment he blurted out his emotions it was like I was thrown into the cold deep sea.

Despite of those conflicting thoughts, here's the biggest one to add. That moment he cornered me and pinned my hands above my head and I thought he's going to kiss me, my lips waited for it to come but my head says to push him away because it was wrong and I don't like guys. When he said he's going to make me beg to do it and he won't stop until I was his, it fucking terrified me. That's shiver and gasp I felt the moment his lips touches my ear it was just shock. Yeah that's it! I was just surprise from the turn of events.

There's no way I'm going to let him get to me. I wonder what he's planning or going to do. He said he won't stop until I was his. I shivered as I imagine him doing things to me. I shook my head. It's just so wrong.

Suddenly, the image of Luke confessing he has crush on me too, gave an idea to me how to fix this. Luke's not the first gay to admit he likes me. Many gay guys tried. One time I was in the mall with friend, a guy just came to me and asked me right away. Guys giving me those lingering stare that told me either they're gay or just admiring. This should not be new to me but Adam? He's just... ugh!

I shook my head to stop overthinking and finally our house came to view. Marcus opened the gate then I parked my car under the basement garage. I got out from my car then get in through the door that the hallway led to our kitchen lies behind. Martha was not in the kitchen perhaps she's in their room or maybe lounge room.

I walked upstairs up to my room. Once I entered my room, my body fell on my bed with groan. Shit! I stared in the ceiling with my hands tucked behind my bed and legs dangling on the edge of bed. I didn't bother to take my shoes off. I just wanna lay here in my soft comfy bed and wish I don't have any problem.

I ought to be happy today after winning the game practice and slamming to that annoying bastard he can't beat me. Then I remembered what Adam's said or I'm thinking it was only an excuse. No! He's not distracted in my body. But deep down, I'm afraid it was true. I noticed how his eyes casted a look to my bare chest.

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