Chapter 17* Part 1

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 17 part 1 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to Kuro029. Thanks for always bugging me up to update and also the votes and comments :)

---> Blazing Naked Ethan

DON'T forget to Vote, Comment, Fan and Share :) Enjoy!



WARNING! Moderate sexual scenes

Adam's POV

Tasting Ethan

Preparing to leave the bathroom, I felt refreshed after running into cold rain but still in need of something or someone. You perfectly knew who I was talking about. It turned me on so much when he's in my complete hand. Seeing how he bit his lips to suppress the moan I've caused, how he visibly shudder when I breathed and whispered in his ear, and his torture pleasured expression while I'm giving him the best handjob.

He's not the only one suffering when I denied him the climax, my cock was painfully hard in my short when I left. Forbid me what I could have done if I stay longer there. I'll probably take him there or replace my hand with my mouth. God! Closing my eyes, the sweet mild taste of his precum stills linger in my tongue. Fuck! I've been wanting to taste him for so long and just the appetizer almost drove me insane.

I imagine him under the mercy of my wicked tongue, what would he look like in utter bliss? That poker cold face in pure pleasure while I pound him hard. I shivered at my sexual thoughts. Shit! I looked down and I'm hard again. I had just taken care of him and he's alive again.

"Fuck! Stay down, horny dick. You just had your fix" I hissed down then wrapped a towel around my waist to cover it before exiting the bathroom.

When I turned around, Ethan was there standing by the door as the same time. Oh great, just the person I need right now to calm my body down, I muttered sarcastically in my head.

Our gaze met at the middle, both intense and fiery. There's a tingle that lit from the connection of our eyes. The outside world moved but we didn't. The tension was scorching our body little by little. It seemed forever when his eyes flickered down following something down my body and I did the same.

His whole body was drenched in rainwater. The white soaked shirt clings to him like second skin and left nothing but to my dirty imagination. Damn! The shirt accommodated every lines and contours perfectly well that make him thousand times hotter. The wet shirt became see-through that reveals the harden buds that sit on the mountain of his pecs. They look so tempting and inviting and I just wanna squeeze them and nip them.

I felt the towel became impossibly tighter and my skin burned with lust. My eyes dropped lower to his visible abs down to his short that clung to his hips dangerously low because of the water the weigh it down. The damped short glued to his package and outlined his bulging stiff member. My breathing became heavy at the sight and I'm pretty sure my eyes were pitch black right now.

I restricted myself from ripping that short open and get a glimpse of the thing I've wanted to see. The reason of my boner every morning. My mouth started to produce good amount of the saliva at the thought of tasting it. My eyes left his drenched body and set back to his handsome face. I was so hungry right now and the sexual tension was leaking from between us. His body was pulling me closer.

"Do you want me to finish what I've started? Do you want me to help you with that?" I asked with my deep voice came out surprisingly thick and resonated sexily on the walls. I watched him shudder and I felt a surge of confidence and elation came to me.

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