Chapter 34

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/\ Seductive Ethan posing with Adam's bike...

A/N: Chapter 34 has been marked 'strictly' private due to explicit and heavy sexual contents. The chapter has mature materials attached, so prepare yourself. You know what to do guys ;)  

I keep receiving messages from those who can't open my private chapters. Though, I made sure I put instructions in my earlier warning chapters how to read them (even in TCOLY). First and foremost, I'm not always online here in wattpad 24/7 so I can't entertain your problems right away, so don't think I'm ignoring you if you don't get any response. 

For everyone or newbies, Now here's the possible ways how to read a private chapter:

For those reading using computers, laptops, tablets or anything that uses a browser 

1. Follow the writer

2. Click the book then table of contents

3. Find the private chapter then click

If the chapter has external link, just click the link after following the writer for quick access

For those using wattpad app in their phones, tablets, etc...

1. Follow the writer

2. Go to your library and refresh it by dragging the screen down

2. Click the book

3. Find the private chapter then click

If you still can't see the private chapter, follow these instructions

1. Remove the book from your library

2. Unfollow the writer then follow again

3. Go to his works and find the book then click

4. Find the private chapter and click

If you still can't see the private chapter, here's another way and it should work 

1. Remove the book from your library

2. Unfollow the writer

3. Log out from you wattpad account 

4. Log in after few seconds

5. Search for the book (Do not add it in your library), go first in writer's profile 

6. Follow the writer

7. Find the book in his works then click

8. You'll see the book's description, and below you can see # Parts, media and cast

9. Click the # Parts (e.g. 41 Parts) and the find the private chapter and click

IF NOTHING WORKS, Here's the possible reason

1. You're underage (Below 18)

2. The email that you used to sign up in wattpad is underage

3.  Technical issues (Wattpad is expert there *sarcasm*) 

If you tried everything and still doesn't work, and you desperately need to read the private chapter, it's not good for the writer since he/she would think you're just only after the private chapters  and you didn't read the book, and besides you'll bother him which most of writers are either busy or just lazy to help you   

1. Follow the writer

2. Message (PM) the writer politely for the private link

 3. Click the link

If still doesn't work, this would be hassle for the writer And I do not recommend this unless you've exhausted yourself finding ways how to read it and all my suggestions don't work, and you even try it on different medium (computers or phones) 

1. Follow the writer

2. Message (PM) the writer politely and ask to send the private chapter through email 

or ask to post it in public sites 

or ask to message the the whole chapter (Less work for the writer since he'll just copy it and paste)

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