Chapter 16*

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 16 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to HankarloThomasitonio. Thanks for the votes, comment and support for the book :)

---> No one can't deny that piece of Adam's sexy body ;)

DON'T forget to Vote, Comment, Fan and Share :) Enjoy!



WARNING! Mild sexual content  

Ethan's POV

Do you like fast?

The current flows through me, engulfing my body in a cool fuzzy feeling. Every time little waves of water kissed my skin, they lured me in to dip my whole body under. When the water leveled around my chest, I turned around to face my own freshly lured human being. Well... my eyes assessed his face down to his exposed chest, smoking hot human being I admit.

"So?" Adam raised his eyebrow. The corner of his lip quirked up.

"So?" I asked back, our gazed held each other's breath. After few moments, Adam made a sudden movement and before I could act a surge of water splashed in my face.

My head turned on side from the force and impact of the water. Slowly, I moved my head back straight at him with dead serious expression. I'm pretty sure anyone would be cowering back in fear from the way I was looking Adam right now, but I'm quite surprise how he could put this up like I was kidding him. The resistance and challenging face he was giving me made him different from anyone else and shame to say this but I like it.

I plunged at him that sent us both into the water. We fight under, trying our best to get the upper hand. It was just more of friendly fight not so deadly. It wasn't easy to move underwater but exerting force is much harder than you thought. With both our hands clasped, we tried to push each other's off with our full energy.

Bubbles started to thin around us and as well as what left in our lungs. Both of our heads popped in the surface and take a large gulp of air. We were panting hard, water running down on my face from my soaked hair. I looked around and immediately put distance between us swimming into deeper pool. My legs were working to keep me afloat.

"Hey" I called Adam who was turning his head from side to side looking for me. He turned in my direction and grin leisurely itched on his lips.

"Why you're there? Afraid that you can't beat me huh?" He taunted.

"Oh? Is that right?"

"Yup" He said confidently.

"Come and get me then. Let's find out" I said beckoning him over me. I waited for him to move and he was watching me in calculated eyes clearly suspicious I was trapping him.

"Why won't you come to me? You're a good swimmer and you'll use your deeper position as advantage point" Adam fire back smartly with mocking grin.

"Just admit you're..." I trailed "chicken" I finished provokingly.

Flames erupted in his eyes clearly not please being called chicken. I cocked my head to get him moving and he obliged as he quickly swam toward me in a blinked of eye like madman. I waited until he's near enough to me and then I slipped back into the water the moment he was about to lift his head off the water so he won't see me.

I quickly swam away from him then move toward where he's position few moments ago. I watch under as his body turned sideways then span around informing he was looking frantically for me. I held my breath for at least 20 seconds under the water then move slowly behind his back. I kept few feet away then carefully emerged from the surface. With my face half exposed and the water leveled just above my lips, I looked around to make sure everyone was busy and wasn't paying to us.

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