Chapter 26

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the 26th chapter of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to omkhulu. Thanks for support and being avid reader :)

---> Play Sam Tsui's cover of Jar of Hearts

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Ethan's POV

The Album

The warm comfy feeling greeted me early in the morning. It was something so comforting and relaxing. My eyes fluttered open and I was blinded by the stream of sunlight. I'm not used waking up with sunlight hitting directly my room. A quite pattern of hot air caressed the side of my neck and it was melody to my ear.

Then I remembered last night, everything. Every single magical moment of it. It was fucking incredible. Each word that had spoken and every touch was amazing. It was the longest night I ever had. Dawn came upon us in our last round of mind blowing sex and we were tired as fuck when it ended amazingly.

Peaceful, good and warm. That's how I'm going to define my sleep. Though, my body was sore and full of marks that serve as remembrance of our epic night, my lips twitched thinking about it. I shifted slightly and I felt Adam stirred from his deep slumber.

His breathing pattern changed and it's my cue to know he's awake. His arms around my waist tighten and draw me impossibly closer. I can feel the heat coming off from our bare skin, even the hard hot rod in my back. I bit my lower lip knowing exactly what it is. I wasn't free also from the men's natural way of morning wood because right now I do have my own one.

It wasn't helping me right now the fact that it's tempting me numerous dirty thing we could do now and we're both still sore. Adam nuzzled his cheek and nose in the crook of my neck and followed by a shower of light kisses. My eyes closed in their own accord enjoying the feeling.

I turned around and face him. Our faces were centimeters apart and I can appreciate every detail in his handsome features. From his chiseled jaw with light scrape of harshness as hairs started to grow back, up to his full pink inviting lips I would never get tired of tasting it, to his straight nose cut perfectly in diamond, and up to his penetrating eyes that shadows a vast of green field. I didn't notice the flecks of gold surround that beautiful orbs until now. He's devastatingly good-looking.

I can see the same thoughts swirling in his eyes as he scanned my face with appreciative and admiring look. My eyes fell down on his tempting lips and Adam did the same.

"Morning" He murmured with wide smile that reached his ears. I felt something skip a beat in me.

"Morning" I said back, my lips pulled into a grin.

Adam tilted his head and sealed our lips. I don't need any coffee or drinks to fully wake my body and mind because it all takes a kiss from him to do it. Our lips molded perfectly and moved in a rhythm that was memorized like a million times. I moaned between our kisses as our tongues touched and embraced in a passionate battle.

My tongue slid on his upper teeth then gently sucked his lip and I was rewarded by Adam's sexy moan. Adam slowly climbed on top of me while our mouth clashed ferociously. Our exposed aching members brushed deliciously and we both groaned at the friction as he kept grinding against me.

Adam sucked my tongue that made my eyes rolled back in its socket. My spine arched and the sensation was so good while our members rubbed and sent tingles in my body. I was losing my control and my head short circuited.

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