Chapter 7

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the second chapter of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to Hec Daevis.

—> Sizzling Hot Adam ;)

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Ethan's POV

The Explosion

The next Monday after the class, we found ourselves standing in the field. All the soccer team members packed before coach. We're 16 members of the official school soccer team included the 5 substitutes. The autumn breeze swiftly brushed on the grassy field that travel across the field then to my cheeks.

The mid-afternoon sunlight was partly covered by cloudy sky. It was perfect day to practice. Not too sunny neither it was raining. The numbers of students watching from the bleachers were more than the usual previous practice.

"Today would be our first game practice" Coach caught our attention as he started. "I would divide you in two teams. No questions and complains if which team I'm going to put you in" He warned then paced.

"This game is going to test you cooperativeness," He paused "skills" coach stopped pacing and turned to us "and most important-Unity! That's the goal to success in this field!" He shouted fiercely.

Coach clapped both his hands "And now, it's Skins vs Shirts! After I called your name, position and team, you shall go to my right if you're Team Skins and if Team Shirts to my left. Understand shitheads?!" He asked loudly.

"Yes Coach!" Everyone answered in unison.

"Good" Coach nodded his head in delight then turned his head down and read the teaming "Briones! Goalie, Team Skins" Mark ran forward to coach left side "Jones! Goalie, Team Shirts" Kian moved to coach right side "Jackson! Defender, Team Skins" Dave joined Mark and they hi five. The teaming rolled from 2 defenders to 3 midfielders each team then at last, the strikers or forwards.

"Roberts! Striker, Team Skins" Bryan a good fellow forward, darted to the left side and joined the others. I looked around to check who remained standing before coach. Three of us left. It was me, Xander and the annoying Adam. Then it dawned on me. If Xander goes to team skins, they would be completed and Adam and I would be in the same group. Oh Shit! I prayed Adam and I wouldn't be teammate. I can't work with him properly if that happens. I can't show to his face I'm better if we're on the same team. We should be in separate teams so I could kick his sorry ass.

Then coach continued "Smith! Striker..." I caught my breathe. Please team shirts! "Team Shirts!" I released a relief sighed. Team Shirts roared in excitement and glee to have Xander on their team.

Coach looked between the two of us "Of course if the first one I called goes to team skins, the last would go to team shirts. Simple right?" He said with satisfied glint in his eyes. Oh! Of course coach would love to see us clash like roaster in the field. My eyes shot to coach left side where Xander was standing in team shirts. I'm sure coach would put me in with Xander. We always work in the field as one like two hawks. As best friends we know how mind works that's why it's easy for us to play side by side and win the match.

"Carter! Striker..." Coach trailed. Team skins! I'm hundred percent certain of that "Team Shirts" he said finally. I turned slowly to my side to see Adam slightly shock then he grinned. Maybe he's expecting coach would pair me with Xander because it's obvious. I watched as Adam ran to his team and joined them.

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