Chapter 28

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the 28th chapter of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to JCBC69 (ThatGuy). Thanks for comments :) 

---> That's Ethan & Adam's school restroom place

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Adam's POV

Fuck those lines!

It has been a week. A slow, glum and torturous 7 days for me. I tried everything to reach out for Ethan, I kept calling him, leaving voicemails and sending text messages but it's unlikely to reach him. It was like he shut me out in his life completely, blocking my number and my social accounts. Yet, I didn't give up.

I followed him in the school but he kept shrugging me off. Avoiding me at all cost like a contagious disease. Giving me dirty looks, and what hurt most was that disgust, cold and angry eyes that used to be attraction and desire.

It was like we're back in the beginning. How we usually treat each other, well, how he normally treat me. The rivalry, competition and hate for each other. But this time it was worse than before, as if hundred times worst. He hate me so much, no, he loathes me to the core. I can't even try to remember how it happened. How he found out.

The blow from him wasn't painful, I didn't even feel it, however, the betrayal and disappointment from his ocean blue orbs hit me the most. The clear sky that turned into a raging storm. I tried to explain but he won't let me. I can't change his mind because it's my fault. I followed him outside, running to catch him and stop from leaving but I was too late. I was left with the pain from his face and all I could do was sink on my knees and cry.

I don't know how long I was there outside and I didn't care. As soon as I went back, I trashed my room and burned that fucking album. I can't believe this how it was going to turn out. I'm not grieving because he left me, I'm devastated because I hurt him. And for that I hate myself than he hates me.

I was happy beyond belief when I had him even just half of him. But I'm content when I have him myself. It was incredible nights with him. A hot passionate sex that I can't even describe how I felt everytime. But then I thought it was just sex for me, I never thought another until he left me.

It was all clear no emotions involved, just a physical between us. That's the term where I singed myself up or should I say I lured Ethan. It's thrilling for me, excited and fun that after all my effort I finally had the sexiest, hottest and most desirable guy.

He's perfect in every aspect. Smart, charming, responsible, cool and reserve. Not to forget he's the captain of basketball team, star player of soccer and president of student council. Every characteristics that everybody love and admire. Until I tainted him. I fucking seduced him for selfish reasons.

That thing I started years ago that I didn't see that would destroy the chance to only potential person I truly like. Ugh! I deserved to be punished by whoever god was there. Perhaps it's really the punishment for the cruel things I did. For those people I hurt. And I can't argue with that because this is the most painful that happened to me.

It was like, I've woken up from the all things I've done, and it's all because of one person. Ethan.

Start of another week, it's Monday now and I was thinking if I still want to go to school. Part of me want to abandon the school life cause seeing him giving me that look everyday is a another cut in my tortured heart. I just want to talk to him, explain myself and just let him listen what I have to say even he won't talk to me.

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