Chapter 19

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 19 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll love it

This chapter is dedicated to Bluebloodrose. Thanks for the support :)

---> Who misses Xander? Anyone?

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Ethan's POV

Anatomy Class Model

The time walked so slow that I'm hundred percent sure that half an hour had passed yet my watch says otherwise, ten minutes. Our teacher was showing us some geographic video of wild tropical ecosystem in Southeast Asia. I wasn't paying attention though, which was so unlikely of me.

It has been a week. An antagonizing week of avoiding Adam. I couldn't exactly say avoiding because it seems impossible since we go in same school with same few periods and one soccer team.

I remembered one time during our practice, when we were running in the field all sweaty and I couldn't help my eyes linger on his drenched physique. The way his powerful legs contract, his biceps flexed in arm swing and the way that wet uniform hugged his torso and show his abs teasingly. The memory of him on top of me and coated in sweat flashed in my head that time that I almost face planted on the ground because I was distracted.

We still haven't talked ever since that time, we had an agreement that time and I made myself clear it was one time thing only and no one can know. I was curious, confused and impulsive that night, nonetheless after that night it proved I'm really attracted to him. I'm aware of my physical infatuation toward him now and I can't deny it.

I realized many things for these past few days, I could be bi since I had sex with my same gender and it wasn't bad, I mean it was nice. Ugh! I admit it was fucking good and with Adam it was mind blowing. Or also I could only be attracted to Adam for that matter. Come on, look at him he's hot as hell. And lastly, maybe this little attraction would fade eventually. They all do. It was bright at first but it would quickly disappear somehow.

Why I'm thinking about him again? I groaned. He kept popping in my head and I can't do about it even I tried everything. To my relief, the bell rang for lunch break and everyone prepared to leave. Our teacher informed us we'll continue the rest of the video next meeting and we'll have a feedback quiz after which I don't know if that reminder still has space in my mind.

Getting up immediately, I headed into the cafeteria where I joined Xander and Luke, Jane and Jacob, and my Sarah. Sarah and I spent the weekend together and with hangouts with the rest. It was normal get together and I'm glad my attention was driven into something else besides my current dilemma. It was refreshing bonding with my friends.

"I can't believe you did that!?" Jane exclaimed on Luke.

"Did what?" Luke asked innocently.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" Jane rolled her eyes.

"No, I didn't" Luke stared at her with serious face but I caught his left eye twitch.

Jane and Luke continued to bicker at each other while Jacob was secretly taking a video of them in entertainment. Xander on the other hand was reading something on his phone and he was quiet absorbed to it, I wonder what's he's looking at.

Sarah was telling me about this new place downtown that we should try. Pretending I was listening, I kept nodding my head. "Vanessa and her friends say it was really fun there. The food was great and the place was chill" She finished.

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